Holidays, Celebrations on

The 1st of January has a rich historical and cultural significance in many regions of the world as it marks the beginning of the New Year in the Gregorian calendar, the calendar most widely used today. In addition, it's Global Family Day, Public Domain Name, Saint Basils Day, Euro Day, and much more.

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Interesting Facts of January 1st

  1. 1. January 1st became recognized as the start of the new year in 46 BCE when Julius Caesar introduced the Julian calendar. It was later reaffirmed in 1582 with the adoption of the Gregorian calendar by Pope Gregory XIII, which is widely used today.
  2. 2. The tradition of making New Year's resolutions on January 1st dates back to ancient Babylon, where people would make promises to the gods at the start of each year. In modern culture, this practice inspires individuals to set goals and strive for self-improvement.
  3. 3. January 1st is a public holiday in numerous countries, each with its unique customs and traditions. For example, in Japan, people participate in Hatsumode, the first visit to a shrine or temple, to pray for good fortune and blessings in the coming year.
  4. 4. In Scotland, there is a tradition called "first-footing". It's considered good luck if the first person to enter a home after midnight on New Year's Day is a dark-haired male. This tradition dates back to Viking days when a blond stranger arriving on your doorstep meant trouble.
  5. 5. January 1 is one of the most celebrated public holidays globally, as countries around the world welcome the New Year with fireworks, parties, and other festivities.
  6. 6. In Italy, particularly in Rome, a New Year's tradition is to jump off the Cavour Bridge into the Tiber River to bring in good luck.