Public Domain Day is a yearly event that takes place on the first day of the new year. It commemorates the moment that creative works become available to the public after their copyright terms have expired.

The priceless contributions from creators of yesteryears are now free for public use, without any intellectual property right hindrance. As such, this day is viewed as an integral factor for cultural growth, permitting these unbridled works to spark fresh ideas, studies, and breakthroughs across various global sectors.

History of Public Domain Day

Public Domain Day is an annual event commemorated every January 1st. It marks the expiration of copyrights and the transition of works into the public domain in numerous global jurisdictions.

Historically, copyright laws allowed most works to enter the public domain during the creator’s lifetime. However, changes in copyright legislation towards the end of the 20th century significantly prolonged copyright terms. Consequently, many works that would have transitioned into the public domain under the previous system are still under copyright, despite their creators having passed away.

The Copyright Term Extension Act, passed in 1998, extendeded copyright terms in the U.S. It effectively lengthened copyrights for works created on or after January 1, 1978 to “life of the author plus 70 years”, and extended copyrights for corporate works to 95 years from the year of first publication, or 120 years from the year of creation, whichever expires first.

The observance of Public Domain Day was informally initiated in 2004 by Wallace McLean, a Canadian public domain activist. The event has since gained international recognition.

Public Domain Day primarily celebrates works whose copyrights expired in the prior year, making them accessible to the public. It’s an important day for individuals such as artists, authors, librarians, and educators who can freely utilize these resources without any restrictions.

Public Domain Day Timeline

Light Bulb Invention

Thomas Edison invents the practical light bulb. The patent for it would enter the public domain in 1896, 17 years later.

Berne Convention

This international agreement about copyright protection was the first major step towards establishing global public domain regulations.

US Copyright Act

Revised the copyright law in the United States, extending the copyright term to 28 years with a possible renewal of 28 more years.

Copyright Act of 1976

Changed the US copyright system, works are under copyright protection for the life of the author plus 70 years.

Copyright Term Extension Act

Also known as the Sonny Bono Act or the Mickey Mouse Protection Act, it increased copyright terms in the U.S by 20 years.

Public Domain Day

Public Domain Day initiated by Wallace McLean.

Ideas to Celebrate Public Domain Day

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Workshop on Public Domain Use

Schedule a training session which details how content creators can incorporate elements from the public domain into their original content, within legal frameworks.

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Public Domain Day Art Festival

Set up a local art show where artists can exhibit pieces influenced by work that's newly available in the public domain.

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Literary Readings

Schedule a book club meet up dedicated to exploring literature that has recently become freely available in the public sphere.

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Film Screening

Initiate a cinematic gathering, be it at your home or in public, to feature films that have just become freely accessible to the public.

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Public Domain Soundtrack Party

Organize a party with a musical playlist composed solely of songs that are now in public domain.

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Public Domain Day Webinar

Set up an online event to discuss the importance of public domain, its role, and introduces what new works are now accessible.

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Photo Exhibit

Organize a photography exhibition featuring visually striking images from the latest works that have entered the public domain.

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Public Domain Jam

Host a game development competition, where participants develop games influenced by characters, plots, or themes that have recently entered the public domain.

6 Interesting Facts About Public Domain


Famous Work in Public Domain

Several well-known works are contained within the public domain. For instance, the novels by Jane Austen, Vincent Van Gogh's artistry, music composed by Johann Sebastian Bach, alongside the notable works of William Shakespeare.


Changes in Copyright Law

Prior to the implementation of the Copyright Act of 1976 in the United States, copyright protections had a validity of merely 28 years, with a potential 28-year extension. Presently, for works produced by individuals, copyrights last for the creator's lifetime, plus an additional 70 years.


Impact of the Disney Company

The extension of copyright durations in the United States was significantly influenced by The Walt Disney Company. This came to be known informally as the 'Mickey Mouse Protection Act'. Disney played a key role in advocating for these elongated terms to avert their character's transition into public domain.


Sherlock Holmes in Public Domain

Sherlock Holmes is a notable case of semi-public domain. While his character and pre-1923 works featuring him are now within the public domain, subsequent stories that bear his character remain protected by copyright.


All Government Works are Public Domain

In the context of the United States, any work produced by federal government employees in their official capacity take immediate public domain status, right from the outset.


Beethoven’s Music in Public Domain

Beethoven's compositions may be within the public domain, but interestingly, recent versions of his music aren't. Thus, while anyone is free to perform Beethoven's Symphony No. 5, distributing recordings of such performances, say by the London Symphony Orchestra, would need explicit permission.

Public Domain Day FAQs

Next Public Domain Day Dates

Year Date Day
2023 January 1st Sunday
2024 January 1st Monday
2025 January 1st Wednesday
2026 January 1st Thursday
2027 January 1st Friday
What is the pattern? Every January 1st

Public Domain Day Word Search

  • Copyright
  • Authors
  • Creativity
  • Innovation
  • Property
  • Information