Holidays, Celebrations on

December 12th marks a special day on calendars around the world for a variety of reasons, encompassing both cultural and international significance. It's a day that calls for celebration in many forms.

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Interesting Facts of December 12th

  1. 1. December 12th, 1901, marks the day when Guglielmo Marconi received the first transatlantic radio signal, sent from Cornwall, England, to Newfoundland, Canada. This event proved that communication across the Atlantic via radio waves was possible and opened the path for modern wireless communications.
  2. 2. Delhi was officially declared the capital of India by George V, Emperor of India during the Delhi Durbar ceremony on December 12, 1911. Until then, Calcutta was the capital.
  3. 3. Kenya gained its independence from the United Kingdom on December 12, 1963. The day is now celebrated in Kenya as Jamhuri Day, which is a national holiday.
  4. 4. On December 12, 2012 (12/12/12), thousands of couples around the world chose to get married, viewing the repeating numerical date as an auspicious moment for such an event. This date phenomenon won't occur again until the year 2101, on January 1st (01/01/01).
  5. 5. December 12 is also the Feast Day of Our Lady of Guadalupe in Mexico, which commemorates the appearance of the Virgin Mary to Saint Juan Diego in 1531. This day holds great cultural and religious significance in Mexico and is celebrated with festivals and religious ceremonies.