December 12th

International Day of Neutrality -

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Every year on December 12th, the world observes the International Day of Neutrality - a day that the United Nations officially acknowledges. The purpose of this day is to highlight the vital role of neutrality in fostering global peace, security, and justice.

International Day of Neutrality brings attention to the significant role that impartial nations play in the amicable resolution of international disputes and fosters a deeper understanding and respect for the principle of neutrality across all nations.

History of International Day of Neutrality

The concept of neutrality has roots in both ancient and modern history. Ancient Greek civilizations, for instance, often chose to remain neutral during contentious wars. In recent history, neutrality has been enshrined into international law through landmark frameworks like the Hague Convention of 1907 and the Geneva Convention of 1949. These conventions prohibit neutral countries from taking sides in conflicts and require them to treat all parties involved equally.

Despite the age-old principles supporting neutrality, it wasn’t until recently that the International Day of Neutrality was formally acknowledged. February 2nd, 2017, saw the United Nations General Assembly adopt a resolution to set aside December 12th as the day dedicated to celebrating neutrality.

Turkmenistan was the first nation to achieve official recognition as a neutral country by global leaders. On December 12th, 1995, during the 103rd plenary session of the fiftieth United Nations General Assembly, the resolution confirming Turkmenistan’s Permanent Neutrality was unanimously voted for and passed.

Throughout the year, both the United Nations and other global entities organize multiple events and initiate diverse activities centered around raising awareness about the role of neutrality in promoting and preserving global peace.

International Day of Neutrality Timeline

Advocacy for Day of Neutrality

Turkmenistan began advocating for a day to acknowledge the political neutrality of nations, as its own permanent neutrality was recognized in the same year by the United Nations

Official Recognition

On December 12, 2015, the United Nations General Assembly adopted the resolution proposed by Turkmenistan and proclaimed International Day of Neutrality

First Observance

The first International Day of Neutrality was observed on December 12, 2016.

UN Secretary-General's Remarks

UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres emphasized the significance of neutrality in mediation during the celebration of International Day of Neutrality.

Ideas to Celebrate International Day of Neutrality

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Organize a Public Awareness Campaign

You can bring together people in your local community to educate them about the importance of neutrality in maintaining peace and resolving conflicts. Create informative materials, seminars, or webinars discussing case studies where neutrality played a significant role.

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Host a Cultural Exchange

Organize an event at a local community center where people from different cultures and backgrounds can come together to share their experiences and lifestyles. This nurtures an atmosphere of impartiality and respect for diverse views, in line with the spirit of neutrality.

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Peaceful Art Exhibition

Hold an art exhibition, either virtually or in person, encouraging artists to create and display works that emphasize peace, neutrality and harmonious coexistence. This can be an effective and creative way to promote the concept of neutrality.

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Film Screening

Arrange a screening of films or documentaries that highlight the role of neutrality in peacekeeping and conflict resolution. After the screening, hold a discussion or reflection session to engage audiences in dialogue.

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Essay Writing Competition

Initiate an essay writing competition in schools or universities prompting students to write about neutrality's role in global affairs, its significance and how it could be effectively maintained in a polarized world.

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Panel Discussion

Organize a panel discussion with experts discussing the prowess of maintaining neutrality in modern society, its advantages, and how it aids in peacebuilding and conflict resolution. The audience should be allowed to ask questions, offering them a chance to engage with the experts.

6 Interesting Facts About International Day of Neutrality


First Country Honored

Turkmenistan is the first country recognized by the United Nations as a permanently neutral state. This recognition happened in December of 1995.


Addressing Global Challenges

The International Day of Neutrality aims to highlight the importance of peace, security, and non-interference in the internal affairs of states as a way to address global challenges and promote peaceful coexistence.


Neutrality Principles

Neutrality means to refrain from participating in military operations and to respect sovereignty, independence, and territorial integrity. These are crucial principles for peaceful relations between states.


The Impact of Neutrality

During times of conflict, neutral countries often play a vital role by offering their good offices to encourage peaceful negotiation and providing humanitarian aid.


Neutrality Worldwide

Switzerland, Sweden, and Austria are other examples of countries that have historically adhered to a policy of neutrality, often serving as mediators and facilitators of diplomacy during international conflicts.


Turkmenistan's Neutral Status

Turkmenistan's permanent neutrality helps it foster peaceful, friendly, and mutually beneficial relations with all countries in the world, based on mutual respect, non-intervention in each other's internal affairs.

International Day of Neutrality FAQs

Next International Day of Neutrality Dates

Year Date Day
2023 December 12th Tuesday
2024 December 12th Thursday
2025 December 12th Friday
2026 December 12th Saturday
2027 December 12th Sunday
What is the pattern? Every December 12th

International Day of Neutrality Word Search

  • Peace
  • Mediation
  • Neutrality
  • Harmony
  • Consensus
  • Tolerance