July 19th

Stick Out Your Tongue Day -

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Stick Out Your Tongue Day, celebrated annually on July 19, is as quirky as it sounds! This eccentric event embraces the silliness of sticking your tongue out, an act often associated with playfulness, rebellion or just overall silliness. Historically, it’s been a universal sign of disrespect or defiance, but on this day, it’s all about having fun and not taking life too seriously.

On this day, let your guard down, forget your worries and stick out your tongue!

History of Stick Out Your Tongue Day

The “Stick Out Your Tongue Day” takes place every year on July 19th. It’s believed to draw its inspiration from a practice common in Tibet, where people stick out their tongues as a sign of respect when greeting others. However, the precise roots and history of this worldwide observance remain somewhat hazy.

In Tibet’s historical context, the act of sticking out one’s tongue dates back to the 9th century, during the rule of King Lang Darma who was notorious for his black tongue. Given that a black tongue was seen as a mark of malevolence, individuals would stick out their tongues displaying they were not black, effectively proving they weren’t the reincarnation of the notorious king.

Across many cultures, tongue-showing is often interpreated as a playful act of rebellion or disagreement. It’s common amongst children as a means to humorously defy authority figures, and sometimes viewed as a reaction to finding something unpleasant or revolting.

As such, “Stick Out Your Tongue Day” could be interpreted as a day for indulging in this light-hearted rebellious spirit or paying homage to the respectful Tibetan greeting custom, though there’s no formal proclamation that supports these conjectures. Regardless of its murky origins, the observance continues to gain popularity, with individuals celebrating it by posting pictures of themselves with tongues out, or engaging in tongue-themed games and challenges.

Stick Out Your Tongue Day Timeline

Tongue as Symbol of Disrespect

In Ancient Greece, sticking out the tongue became an insulting gesture that symbolized disrespect.

Origin of Tongue Sticking Tradition in Tibet

This was to show that their tongues were not black like King Lang Darma's, proving they were not his reincarnation.

Sticking Out Tongue Indicating Deceit

In Medieval Europe, sticking the tongue out was associated with being deceitful or untrustworthy.

Haka War Dance

Maoris in New Zealand stick out their tongue during the traditional Haka war dance as a sign of defiance towards their enemies.

Medical Use of Sticking Out Tongue

Doctors begin regularly using the 'stick out your tongue' request during physical exams to check for health problems.

Sticking Tongue Out in Pop Culture

Famous figures like Albert Einstein and musicians begin popularizing the trend of sticking out the tongue in photos.

Stick Out Your Tongue Day

The Stick Out Your Tongue Day is observed to spread joy and silliness, becoming an international celebration.

Ideas to Celebrate Stick Out Your Tongue Day

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Photo Booth Fun

Set up a photo booth with funny props and backgrounds. Encourage everyone to take silly photos sticking their tongues out. Don't forget to upload them on social media with a special hashtag for the day.

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Stick Out Your Tongue Day Party

Invite friends over for a celebrations with themed party. Games can include tongue twisters and contests to see who can touch their nose with their tongue. Provide tongue-shaped sweets and treats for guests.

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Tongue Art Contest

Host a tongue art contest. Participants will consume different coloured lollipops or other edible food colouring, then stick their colourful tongues out to make an imprint on paper. Best imprint wins.

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Emoji Fun

Spend the day communicating only through emojis, especially those that include characters sticking out their tongues. This will add a fun and lighthearted twist to digital conversations.

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Face Paint

Set up a face painting station where the painter will incorporate images of tongues sticking out as part of the design.

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Funny Pet Photos

Take pictures of your pets sticking out their tongues. The cutest or funniest photos could win a little prize.

8 Interesting Facts About Sticking Out Your Tongue


A Universal Sign of Disregard

Sticking out your tongue is considered an immature sign of disrespect all around the world. It is often given to authorities or people in positions of power as a sign of defiance or disregard.


The Himalayan Tradition

In Tibet, sticking out your tongue is a greeting and a sign of respect, not disrespect. It is an ancient Tibetan tradition and has its roots in the thirteenth century.


Brain Surgeons’ Measuring Tape

The distance from the tip of your nose to the tip of your tongue when it is fully extended is the same length as the base of your brain.


Guinness World Record

The world record for the longest tongue belongs to Nick Stoeberl from the USA, whose tongue measures 10.1 cm (3.97 inches) from its tip to the middle of the closed top lip.


Different Animal Meanings

Different animals stick out their tongue for different reasons. Snakes use it to smell, dogs to cool down, and butterflies to taste.


A Common Genetic Trait

Being able to roll your tongue is often considered a genetic trait, although it’s not as simple as the color of your eyes. Some people can learn to roll their tongues with practice.


A New Way to Diagnose

Some medical professionals believe that the color, coating, and patterns of your tongue can provide clues about your overall health.


Vital for Taste

There are about 2,000 to 8,000 taste buds on the human tongue that help you recognize the five basic tastes: sweet, sour, salty, bitter and umami.

Stick Out Your Tongue Day FAQs

Next Stick Out Your Tongue Day Dates

Year Date Day
2023 July 19th Wednesday
2024 July 19th Friday
2025 July 19th Saturday
2026 July 19th Sunday
2027 July 19th Monday
What is the pattern? Every July 19th

Stick Out Your Tongue Day Word Search

  • Tongue
  • Gesture
  • Funny
  • Playful
  • Laugh
  • Teasing