July 12th

National Simplicity Day -

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Honored every July 12th, National Simplicity Day is a time to pause from our never-ending race against life and appreciate the simple pleasures around us. This day serves as a reminder that our lifestyles can become unnecessarily complex due to excessive consumption and the distractions of modern living. Inspired by the beliefs of renowned poet and philosopher, Henry David Thoreau, who championed the concept of simplistic living, this Day is all about decluttering our minds and lives and focusing on what truly matters.

To honor National Simplicity Day, let’s reset and re-appreciate the simpler, yet significant elements that enrich and give value to our lives.

History of National Simplicity Day

Every year on July 12th, we celebrate National Simplicity Day, a day dedicated to embracing and appreciating the simpler things in life. This event honors the birthday of one of America’s most influential philosophers, Henry David Thoreau, who was born on this date in 1817.

Thoreau was a multi-talented individual, recognized for his impact as a philosopher, poet, essayist, abolitionist, naturalist, and historian. His greatest acclaim, however, was arguably the philosophy of simplicity he advocated in his important works such as “Walden” and “Civil Disobedience.” He championed the idea of a life unfettered by unnecessary complexities and distractions.

The principle behind National Simplicity Day comes from Thoreau’s conviction that our lives should be devoid of insignificant details, as he famously advised, “Our life is frittered away by detail…simplify, simplify.” This idea became the bedrock of the Simplicity Collective, who created Simplicity Day. They asserted that by trimming down our lifestyles, we not only improve our personal lives but also contribute to a wider societal transformation.

People from diverse backgrounds have been enthralled by the concept of a simplistic lifestyle, sparking a growing interest in leading a life that embodies Thoreau’s principles. Nowadays, National Simplicity Day encourages us to get back to basics: disconnect from the digital world, resist consumerism, rejoice in nature’s splendor, and focus on our relationships with those dear to us.

In our current society, the surge in popularity of minimalistic living, mindfulness, and sustainable practices shows that Thoreau’s simplicity ethos is still applicable. National Simplicity Day serves as a reminder to reassess our priorities, refocus our attention, and attempt to streamline our lives.

National Simplicity Day Timeline

Birth of Henry David Thoreau

American philosopher, Henry David Thoreau, known for promoting simple living, was born.

Walden Pond

Thoreau begins his two-year experiment in simple living at Walden Pond.

Publication of Walden

Thoreau publishes Walden, which details his experience and promotes living life in a simple way.

The Tao of Pooh

Benjamin Hoff published the book to illustrate the principles of Taoist philosophy, a practice that encourages simplicity, using Winnie the Pooh characters.

National Simplicity Day

This day is celebrated in honor of Henry David Thoreau, who was an advocate for living a life of simplicity.

Ideas to Celebrate National Simplicity Day

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Digital Detox Day

Spend the day without your electronic devices. This will help you embrace the simplicity of life, re-establish human connections, and decompress.

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Minimalist Room Makeover

Revamp a room in your home, keeping simplicity and minimalism at the forefront. Get rid of any unnecessary items, focusing more on clean, tidy, and streamlined spaces.

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Nature Walk

Take a peaceful walk in a nearby park, field, or forest to reconnect with the simple beauty of nature. Try to focus on your surroundings rather than your everyday worries or tasks.

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Quiet Meditation

Indulge in a simple meditation practice. It can be as unelaborate as focusing on your breath for a few minutes, which also promotes mindfulness and relaxation.

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Home Cooked Meal

Celebrate by cooking a simple, homemade meal using just a few ingredients. It not only values simplicity, but also encourages healthy eating habits.

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Art of Decluttering

Start decluttering a part of your home. Whether it's your closet, a room or bookshelves, this practice advocates simplicity and brings about serenity.

6 Interesting Facts About National Simplicity Day



The Day is designed to promote a life of simplicity and to encourage individuals to step back from the numerous stresses, complications, and distractions that can occupy our lives.


Thoreau's Influence

Henry Thoreau, born on this day in 1817, was an advocate for living a life of simplicity. He showed via his own example that you did not need materialistic things to be happy. This day is a celebration of his ideology.


Connection to Minimalism

National Simplicity Day often ties in with the principles of minimalism, a lifestyle that focuses on reducing clutter, whether physical, digital or mental, to focus on what truly matters.


Celebration Activities

Activities for this day range from decluttering and organizing homes, spending time in nature, practicing mindfulness, to disconnecting from digital devices.


Global Observance

While it may have originated in the United States, the principles of National Simplicity Day are now recognized and celebrated globally with more people valuing mental peace over materialistic wealth.


Promotion of Sustainable Living

Through advocating for a simpler lifestyle, National Simplicity Day indirectly promotes sustainable living, helping to conserve resources and reduce waste.

National Simplicity Day FAQs

Next National Simplicity Day Dates

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2024 July 12th Friday
2025 July 12th Saturday
2026 July 12th Sunday
2027 July 12th Monday
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National Simplicity Day Word Search

  • Simplicity
  • Minimalism
  • Serenity
  • Peace
  • Calm
  • Harmony