July 21st

National Junk Food Day -

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Each year, on July 21st, we commemorate National Junk Food Day, a day dedicated to indulging in our most beloved junk foods without a hint of guilt. Be it a crunchy packet of chips, a succulent burger, a slice of tantalizing pizza, or a piece of sweet candy, this day invites us all to fulfill our cravings and revel in the delightful but often unhealthy world of junk food.

National Junk Food Day is a day to momentarily forget about your diet plans and nutritional concerns and fully immerse yourself in the sheer joy of eating junk food.

History of National Junk Food Day

Despite the term “junk food” only entering the vernacular in the 70s, the notion of food which is satisfying, inexpensive, and swiftly prepared has been around for centuries.

Street vendors in Ancient Rome were known to sell quick bites like fried fish and sausages, which carried over to the Middle Ages where pies and pastries were popular. However, the fast and easy food landscape shifted significantly during the Industrial Revolution in the 19th Century, when mass production made items like cookies and cakes widely available.

The biggest turning point for quick, low-nutrient food came in the 20th Century with the advent of the fast food industry. The first early fast food eatery, an automat, was opened in 1902 in Philadelphia, paving the way for global fast food giants like McDonald’s in the 1940s.

As fast food restaurants grew in popularity, so did highly processed snack foods such as candy bars, chips, and popcorn. Vending machines became commonplace, providing easy access to these snack foods.

However, the impact of a diet reliant on junk food — which can lead to conditions like obesity, type II diabetes, and heart disease — has come under scrutiny by health experts in recent years. Despite these concerns, the appeal of junk food remains strong due to its convenience, affordability, and appealing taste, making it a common dietary component globally.

National Junk Food Day Timeline

Invention of Potato Chips

Potato chips were invented by craving customer and an annoyed cook in Saratoga Springs, New York.

Introduction of Coca Cola

Coca Cola was introduced as a 'brain tonic' that could cure headaches, impotence, and even addiction.

First McDonald's Restaurant

The first McDonald's restaurant was opened by Richard and Maurice McDonald in San Bernardino, California.

Introduction of Doritos

The first Doritos were sold in a Mexican restaurant at Disneyland.

Birth of Starbucks

The first Starbucks opened in Seattle, Washington, bringing specialty coffee to the mainstream.

Introduction of McNuggets

McDonald's introduced Chicken McNuggets to their menu, sparking a fast food revolution.

Junk Food Celebration

The popularity of junk food remains, and the National Junk Food Day is celebrated annually on July 21st.

Ideas to Celebrate National Junk Food Day

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A Junk Food Marathon

Host a movie night where all the snacks are your favorite junk foods - chips, chocolates, sodas, popcorn and more. It’s all about indulging!

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Host a Junk Food Party

Invite friends and family over for a party where every dish is a twist on junk food. Think gourmet burgers, high-end hot dogs and bites of chocolate. A cheat day with a twist!

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Visit a Food Truck Event

Take the celebration on the road and visit a local food truck or street food event. Try one of everything, from greasy burgers to crispy fries or decadent donuts.

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Bake Unhealthy Things

Spend the day baking balck forest cakes, glazed donuts or fudge brownies. Just don't forget to share the sweetness with your loved ones!

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Fast Food Hopping

Visit your favorite fast food joints and order your preferred meals. It’s not about eating healthy, it’s about savoring the flavor!

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Chips and Dip Contest

Invite your folks to bring their favorite chips and homemade dip and have everyone vote for their favorite combo.

8 Interesting Facts About Junk Food


Most Popular Junk Food

Potato chips are considered the most popular junk food around the world.


36 lbs of Cheetos

A single individual can consume up to 36 lbs of Cheetos in a year according to statistics.


Fast Food vs Your Heart

Studies have shown that consuming fast food more than once a week increases the risk of dying from coronary heart disease by 20%.


Soda's Sweet Secret

A single can of soda contains 10 teaspoons of sugar, which is more than what the World Health Organization recommends for daily sugar intake.


Pizza as a Breakfast Choice

53% of Americans said they would rather eat cold pizza for breakfast. Yes, you read that right, breakfast!


French Fries aren't French

Despite their name, French Fries originated in Belgium, not France.


M&M's in Space

M&M's are the preferred candy of astronauts and have been to space more often than any other candy.


From Health Food to Junk Food

The inventor of the sugary breakfast cereal Kellogg’s Corn Flakes, John Harvey Kellogg, actually intended to create a health food that would suppress sexual urges.

National Junk Food Day FAQs

Next National Junk Food Day Dates

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2023 July 21st Friday
2024 July 21st Sunday
2025 July 21st Monday
2026 July 21st Tuesday
2027 July 21st Wednesday
What is the pattern? Every July 21st

National Junk Food Day Word Search

  • Chips
  • Popcorn
  • Donuts
  • Sodas
  • Cookies
  • Burgers