July 3rd

International Plastic Bag Free Day -

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International Plastic Bag Free Day, observed on July 3 every year, is a global initiative aimed at curbing the production, usage and improper disposal of plastic bags which significantly impacts our environment. The day is devoted to heightening awareness about the perils of using plastic bags and promoting sustainable alternatives.

This day an important reminder of our responsibility towards preserving our planet and encourages us to minimise our plastic waste, emphasising the need for behavioral and policy change.

History of International Plastic Bag Free Day

International Plastic Bag Free Day is a significant global event held yearly to raise awareness about the environmental harm caused by single-use plastic bags. This worldwide observance takes place on July 3rd, under the guidance of Bag Free World, a committed organization tackling the plastic waste crisis.

The crucial goal of this day is to spotlight the detrimental effects of plastic bag consumption, and emphasize the necessity for more sustainable alternatives. It’s a day created as a reminder of the pressing issue of how plastic bags, due to over-consumption and improper disposal, are affecting our rivers, oceans, and the natural world.

Several people globally, including government officials, businesses, NGOs, and individuals, join hands on this day to create and participate in various innovative activities. One such notable activity is the ‘Plastic Bag Grab Challenge’ in Canada which motivates students to collect and recycle as many plastic bags as possible.

International Plastic Bag Free Day Timeline

Inception of Plastic Bags

The first plastic bags were invented as a replacement for paper bags. Their production began in earnest during the 1960s

Plastic Bags become mainstream

Plastic bags start to gain noticeable popularity around end of 70's replacing the traditional paper and cloth bags in many regions.

First Ban on Plastic Bags

Bangladesh becomes the first country in the world to implement a ban on thin plastic bags.

China Bans Plastic Bags

China bans the production of ultra-thin plastic bags and charges a fee for thicker ones, leading to a 66% reduction in plastic bag use.

Italy follows suit

Italy becomes first country in Europe to ban non-biodegradable plastic bags.

California Statewide Ban

California becomes the first US state to enact legislation imposing a statewide ban on single-use plastic bags.

European Union Resolution

European Union parliament approves a law banning a wide-range of single-use plastic items, such as straws, cotton buds and cutlery, by 2021.

Ideas to Celebrate International Plastic Bag Free Day

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Community Beach Clean-Up

Organize a community-wide beach or park clean-up. This not only helps to remove harmful plastic bags from the environment but also raises awareness about the issues of plastic pollution.

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School Educational Workshop

Coordinate with local schools to organize an environmental educational workshop where students learn about the impact of plastic waste, and how to use alternatives to plastic.

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Host a Zero-Waste Potluck

Encourage guests to bring their own reusable dishes, utensils, and grocery bags. The event would emphasize the need for reducing our dependence on plastic bags and other disposable items.

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Start a 'Say No to Plastic Bags' Challenge

Use your social media platforms to start a challenge that encourages followers to say no to plastic bags for a week/month and see if they can carry it beyond that. Make it a fun and interactive experience by sharing your journey and encouraging others to do the same.

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Documentary Screening

Host a local screening of a documentary about the impact of plastic on the environment. Use it as a medium to educate people and fuel discussion. Some suggestions include 'A Plastic Ocean', 'Bag It' or 'The Story of Plastic'.

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DIY Reusable Bag Workshop

Organize a workshop where individuals can learn how to make their own reusable bags using old clothing or other materials. This not only reduces the need for plastic bags but also promotes reusing and recycling.

8 Interesting Facts About Plastic Bag Free


Environmental Impact

By going plastic bag free, the environmental impact is significantly reduced. Each year, an estimated 1 trillion plastic bags are consumed worldwide. Unfortunately, less than 5% of those are recycled.


Wildlife Protection

Using alternative bags could significantly reduce the number of animals hurt by plastic pollution each year. Sea turtles often mistake plastic bags for jellyfish, their food source, leading to intestinal blockage and starvation.


Reduced Oil Consumption

Manufacturing 14 plastic bags uses the equivalent amount of petroleum to drive a car 1 mile. Thus, going plastic bag free helps conserve oil resources.


Longevity of Plastic Bags

It can take up to 1000 years for a plastic bag to break down. By contrast, reusable bags can be used over and over again for many years.


Economic Effect

Cities, states, even countries (like Ireland) that have imposed bans or fees on plastic bags have seen dramatic decreases in litter and costs associated with cleanup.


Contribution to Climate Change

The production and disposal of plastic bags contribute to climate change. The energy required to manufacture, transport, and dispose of plastic bags generates a large amount of greenhouse gases.


Plastic Bag Free Zones

There are already a variety of countries and cities who have become 'plastic bag free', including countries like Rwanda, China and Greece which have imposed strict laws on the usage of plastic bags.


Reusable Bag Benefits

An average reusable bag has a lifespan equal to that of over seven hundred disposable plastic bags. Over a lifetime, use of reusable bags by one person would save over 22,000 plastic bags.

International Plastic Bag Free Day FAQs

Next International Plastic Bag Free Day Dates

Year Date Day
2023 July 3rd Monday
2024 July 3rd Wednesday
2025 July 3rd Thursday
2026 July 3rd Friday
2027 July 3rd Saturday
What is the pattern? Every July 3rd

International Plastic Bag Free Day Word Search

  • Reusable
  • Recycling
  • Environment
  • Pollution
  • Sustainable
  • Awareness