January 26th

World Environmental Education Day -

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World Environmental Education Day, celebrated on January 26th each year, is an essential global observance that seeks to emphasize the importance of environmental education in our society. This special day fosters awareness about our environment and our role in preserving and protecting it for future generations.

The objective of this day is not only to educate the masses about environmental issues but also to equip them with necessary tools and understanding to make informed decisions and take responsible action. Established to reflect the global commitment to environmental sustainability, this day is an invitation for everyone to contribute to the preservation of our Mother Earth through understanding, respect and conservation.

History of World Environmental Education Day

World Environmental Education Day is an international observance held each year to raise global awareness on the importance of environmental education and the need to improve and increase it over time. Its origins date back to 1975 with the adoption of the Belgrade Charter.

The Belgrade Charter was created at the International Workshop on Environmental Education held in Belgrade in 1975. The conference was convened by the United Nations Education, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) and the United Nations Environment Program (UNEP). The Belgrade Charter was the outcome of the workshop and elegantly stipulated the goals, objectives, and strategies of environmental education at a global level.

The charter emphasized the necessity of environmental education at all levels of formal education, including primary, secondary and tertiary, as well as within non-formal education programs. The goal was to foster an awareness and understanding of the environment and its problems, and to inspire students to develop the skills needed to solve these problems.

In 1977, two years after the Belgrade Charter, the world’s first intergovernmental conference on environmental education in Tbilisi, Georgia, the USSR, was coordinated by UNESCO and UNEP, resulting in the Tbilisi Declaration. The declaration highlighted ideas from the Belgrade Charter and made further suggestions for the development of environmental education.

The date of January 26 was chosen as a day to commemorate the anniversary of the Belgrade Charter and to promote the ideals of environmental education worldwide. Over the years, World Environmental Education Day has become an important annual event to spread awareness about the significance of ecology and the need to preserve our biodiversity, and to ensure that the idea of preserving our Earth is passed on to the subsequent generations.

World Environmental Education Day Timeline

Conservation Movement

The turn of the 20th century in America marked the beginning of the modern environmental conservation movement.

First UNEP Meeting

The United Nations Environmental Programme held its first meeting discussing World environmental issues.

Belgrade Charter

This global framework for environmental education was adopted in Belgrade, setting the goals, objectives, and strategies of environmental education.

Intergovernmental Conference on Environmental Education

Organized by UNESCO in Tbilisi, Georgia, this conference marked a pivotal moment in the environmental education movement.

Earth Summit

Representatives from 172 countries participated in the Earth Summit, discussing sustainable development and reduction of carbon footprints.

Paris Agreement

An international treaty was introduced, setting a global action plan to mitigate the effects of climate change and limit global warming.

Climate Change Education

Increasing focus on climate change education, ensuring that future generations are better equipped to handle environmental challenges.

Ideas to Celebrate World Environmental Education Day

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Plant a Tree

Coordinate a group activity that involves planting trees. It could be done in a local park, in the schoolyard or even in your own backyard. Besides the obvious environmental benefits, it will also act as a learning experience about the vital role of forests and different ecosystems.

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Cleanup Drive

Lead a cleanup operation in your neighbourhood or at a nearby beach. Not only will this result in a cleaner environment, but it will also highlight the dire consequences of littering on our surroundings.

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Workshop on Recycling

Conduct an interactive workshop demonstrating how to recycle usual household garbage like paper and plastic. This would spread awareness about the effective ways to dispose waste and promote the idea of reduce, reuse, and recycle.

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Environmental Movie Screening

Arrange a movie night and show a few documentaries or films that focus on the environment. This approach makes learning about environmental education both fun and interesting.

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Community Garden Setup

Create a community garden or help to enhance an existing one. Besides promoting a sense of community, it provides lessons in composting, organic gardening, and understanding local plant species.

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Interactive Nature Walk

Guide a group on an exploratory walk through nature to study local plants and animals. Stimulate deliberation and engagement on how we can play our part in safeguarding these natural habitats.

6 Interesting Facts About Environmental Education


Multi-Disciplinary Nature of Environmental Education

Various disciplines, including biology, chemistry, physics, geography, social sciences, and even arts and cultural studies, converge in Environmental education.


Promotes Active Citizenship

Beyond just imparting knowledge, Environmental education instills the value of active citizenship. It nurtures critical thinking and promotes actions towards environmental challenges.


Impact on Student Achievement

Research has indicated that weaving environmental education in regular school curriculums can boost students' performance in science along with improving their reading, math, and social sciences understanding.


Outdoor Learning Environment

Outdoor learning is a big part of Environmental education. It addresses the 'Nature Deficit Disorder', a term used by Richard Louv in his book, Last Child in the Woods to refer to the behavioral issues children face due to decreased time spent outdoors.


Supports Sustainable Development Goals

Aligned with the UN's Sustainable Development Goals, Environmental education spreads awareness about the importance of conserving our planet's resources for the wellbeing of future generations.


Role in Climate Change Awareness

One of the key functions of Environmental education is raising awareness about climate change, understanding its impact and advocating sustainable practices to manage its effects.

World Environmental Education Day FAQs

Next World Environmental Education Day Dates

Year Date Day
2023 January 26th Thursday
2024 January 26th Friday
2025 January 26th Sunday
2026 January 26th Monday
2027 January 26th Tuesday
What is the pattern? Every January 26th

World Environmental Education Day Word Search

  • Conservation
  • Sustainability
  • Earth
  • Environment
  • Ecosystem
  • Ecology