December 11th

UNICEF Birthday -

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Observed annually on December 11, UNICEF’s birthday marks the establishment of one of globe’s foremost organizations dedicated to child welfare - the United Nations International Children’s Emergency Fund. Since its foundation, UNICEF has remained steadfast in its commitment to providing humanitarian and developmental support to children across the world.

The celebration of UNICEF’s birthday is not merely a festivity, but also an opportunity to recognize its significant accomplishments and strengthen advocacy for children’s rights and welfare.

History of UNICEF Birthday

Established by the United Nations General Assembly on December 11th, 1946, the United Nations International Children’s Emergency Fund (UNICEF) was formed in response to the grave needs of children affected by the devastation of World War II in Europe and China. The organization’s initial purpose was to provide necessary amenities such as food, clothing, and healthcare to these children.

In 1950, UNICEF’s role was expanded to cater to long-term developmental needs of children and women in emerging nations. Even though the name was shortened to the United Nations Children’s Fund, the well-known acronym UNICEF retained its significance.

Subsequently, on October 26, 1954, the UN General Assembly included UNICEF as a permanent constituent of the United Nations system by adopting the UNICEF Charter.

In the decades since its inception, UNICEF has broadened its outreach and now operates in over 190 countries and regions through various country programs and National Committees. The organization’s initiatives are directed by the Convention on the Rights of the Child, a human rights treaty with unprecedented global approval.

The organization aims to ensure each child has the chance to access education, healthcare, nutrition, clean water, protection and emergency aid. Additionally, UNICEF also carries out dedicated research and policy analysis to raise awareness about children’s concerns and promote their rights.

UNICEF Birthday Timeline

Creation of UNICEF

The United Nations International Children's Emergency Fund (UNICEF) was created on December 11, 1946.

Mandate Extension

UNICEF's mandate was extended to include the needs of children in the developing world.

Permanent Fixture in UN

UNICEF became a permanent part of the United Nations system.

UNICEF Wins Nobel Peace Prize

UNICEF was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize for fulfilling 'the condition of Nobel's will, the promotion of brotherhood among nations.'

Response to Tsunami

UNICEF responded to the Indian Ocean tsunami, its largest emergency operation to date, providing services for children affected by the disaster.

Response to Ebola Crisis

UNICEF played a central role in the global response to the Ebola crisis in West Africa.

Aid for Syrian Refugees

UNICEF provided humanitarian aid to millions of children affected by the Syrian refugee crisis.

Ideas to Celebrate UNICEF Birthday

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Global Fundraising Event

Organize a global fundraising event where individuals or groups can participate and donate to aid UNICEF in its mission. The event could be in the form of virtual concerts, marathons, or art auctions.

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Child Rights Awareness Campaign

Start a campaign that focuses on imparting knowledge about child rights, which is at the core of UNICEF's work. This could involve webinars, seminars, or distribution of informative materials.

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Educational Film Screening

Arrange a movie screening that consists of films and documentaries associated with children's rights or UNICEF's efforts around the globe.

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Social Media Campaign

Initiate a social media campaign celebrating UNICEF's birthday. The campaign could include sharing stories of how UNICEF has helped improve lives, using a unique hashtag, or encouraging followers to donate.

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Celebratory Bake Sale

Hold a bake sale where all proceeds go to UNICEF. Use this opportunity to raise awareness about the work and causes that UNICEF supports.

8 Interesting Facts About UNICEF


Meeting Needs Around the World

UNICEF operates in over 190 countries and territories worldwide, making it one of the most widespread international organizations.


Origins in WWII

Initially, UNICEF (United Nations International Children's Emergency Fund) was set up to provide emergency food and healthcare to children in countries devastated by World War II.


Permanent Part of the UN

UNICEF became a permanent part of the United Nations System in 1953 and its name was shortened to the United Nations Children's Fund.


Nobel Peace Prize Recipient

UNICEF was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize in 1965 for its efforts in addressing child welfare.


Iconic Trick-or-Treat Campaign

UNICEF USA started the Trick-or-Treat for UNICEF campaign over 60 years ago. To date, it has raised more than $180 million.


Contributions from every region

Every UN member state contributes to UNICEF's budget, and voluntary contributions make up two-thirds of the budget.


Pioneering Work in Immunization

UNICEF is a key player in global immunization and has successfully campaigned to eradicate diseases like polio.


Education Priorities

UNICEF works to ensure every child has access to education, with a primary focus on gender equality and reducing drop-out rates.

UNICEF Birthday FAQs

Next UNICEF Birthday Dates

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2023 December 11th Monday
2024 December 11th Wednesday
2025 December 11th Thursday
2026 December 11th Friday
2027 December 11th Saturday
What is the pattern? Every December 11th

UNICEF Birthday Word Search

  • Education
  • Birthday
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  • Volunteers
  • Development