December 29th

Still Need To Do Day -

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The day known as “Still Need To Do Day”, observed on December 29th, advocates for individuals to deal with those outstanding jobs or activities that may have been ignored or forgotten. This day serves as a gentle reminder to everyone about the exhilaration and fulfillment we gain from accomplishing tasks on our to-do list.

It could be a pending project, a yet-to-be-answered email, a space that needs organizing, or a call that’s waiting to be returned; the essence of “Still Need To Do Day” lies in channeling our efforts towards wrapping up those held-over tasks and simplifying our day-to-day activities.

Still Need To Do Day Timeline

Drafting of To-Do Lists

Ancient Egyptians used to maintain a list of tasks to get organized.

Documentation of Procrastination

Pliny the Younger, a roman philosopher, wrote about his uncle's tendency to procrastinate in his letters.

Benjamin Franklin's To-Do List

Benjamin Franklin is known for his detailed life planning which includes a to-do list.

Introduction of Calendar and Reminder Apps

With the advent of smartphones, apps for maintaining to-do lists gain popularity.

'Still Need To Do Day'

A day dedicated to all the tasks that were procrastinated on throughout the year.

Ideas to Celebrate Still Need To Do Day

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Create a Detailed To-Do List

Start your celebration of Still Need To Do Day by making a detailed list of all the tasks you've been postponing. It could include home improvements, medical appointments, papers or emails to sort out, or booking your next vacation. Once compiled, prioritize your tasks and make a plan to tackle them effectively.

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Reward System

Set up a reward system for every task you complete. It could be anything from having a piece of your favorite chocolate, a short break to watch a TV-series episode, or a leisurely walk outside. This will keep you motivated throughout the day.

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Professional Assistance

If your 'Still Need To Do' list falls heavily on the professional side, consider hiring temporary help for the day. A professional organizer, cleaner, or expert in the area you need might speed up your progress.

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Virtual Task Completion

For those tasks that can be handled online, dedicate a specific amount of time to take care of them. Block out interruptions during this time and concentrate on completing your tasks.

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Physical and Mental Health Time

Include tasks related to your health in your list – book those doctor, dentist, or gym appointments. Adding these tasks will not only cut down your to-do list, but it will also ensure that your health is not being neglected.

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Reflect and Relax

Once you've moved through as many tasks as you can, spend some time relaxing and reflecting on your achievements. Feel proud of what you've accomplished, and remember that it's okay not to get through everything in one day. Keep your list for the next 'Still Need To Do Day'.

8 Interesting Facts About Still Need To Do Day



It encourages people to reflect on the year that has gone by and evaluate the tasks that are still pending.


Fresh Start

By completing pending tasks, it offers a fresh start to the new year.


Versatility of the Day

The tasks can range from personal chores, work assignments to goals like losing weight or quitting smoking.


Pre-New Year Resolution

This day could be a chance to fulfill the resolutions that were set at the beginning of the current year.


Sense of Achievement

Completing tasks or goals that have been put off gives a sense of achievement and satisfaction before the year ends.


Perfect for Procrastinators

It could be a perfect day for procrastinators to finish the tasks they kept putting off throughout the year.


Opportunity to Prioritize

Still Need To Do Day provides an opportunity for people to prioritize and organize their tasks more efficiently for the forthcoming year.


Inspiration to Set Goals for the New Year

On Still Need To Do Day, analyzing the leftover tasks from the current year can provide inspiration for setting goals and resolutions for the New Year.

Still Need To Do Day FAQs

Next Still Need To Do Day Dates

Year Date Day
2023 December 29th Friday
2024 December 29th Sunday
2025 December 29th Monday
2026 December 29th Tuesday
2027 December 29th Wednesday
What is the pattern? Every December 29th

Still Need To Do Day Word Search

  • Procrastination
  • Tasks
  • Goals
  • Deadline
  • Schedule
  • Organize