January 21st

National Squirrel Appreciation Day -

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Each year on January 21st, we take a moment to observe the peculiar and delightful holiday known as National Squirrel Appreciation Day. This special day urges us to celebrate and show our fondness towards those adorable creatures known as squirrels. These energetic animals, always on the move, either playing or searching for food in forests and parks, are constantly entertaining us with their lively behaviors.

Squirrels also play a crucial role in the balance of our ecosystem. National Squirrel Appreciation Day serves as a reminder to appreciate them and understand their unique characteristics, survival mechanisms, and their essential place in nature.

History of National Squirrel Appreciation Day

In 2001, Christy Hargrove, a wildlife rehabilitator from North Carolina, established National Squirrel Appreciation Day. Working at the Western North Carolina Nature Center in Asheville, Hargrove highlighted the significance of January 21st as a day to appreciate squirrels.

The day is dedicated to acknowledging the critical role squirrels play in our ecosystem. Far beyond their common association with nut gathering and tree scampering, squirrels are integral to the natural food chain and significantly impact our surrounding environment.

National Squirrel Appreciation Day aims to heighten public understanding of the various species of squirrels and to applaud their valuable contribution to biodiversity. On this day, people are encouraged to engage in activities such as setting up bird feeders, scattering corn on their snow-dusted lawns, or simply taking pleasure in watching squirrels in their local vicinity.

National Squirrel Appreciation Day Timeline

First Appearance of Squirrels

Squirrels first appeared in the fossil record during the Eocene period.

Appearance in Literary Works

Squirrels started to appear in literary works, creating an image of them as industrious and intelligent creatures.

Opening of Squirrel Parks

New York opened its first squirrel park in an effort to control and appreciate the local squirrel population.

Squirrels in Urban Areas

Squirrels starts to populate urban areas, making them a common sight in many cities around the world.

Squirrels in Pop Culture

Squirrels begin to appear frequently in children's books, cartoons and animations, furthering their recognition and affection among humans.

First National Squirrel Appreciation Day

The first National Squirrel Appreciation Day, declared by wildlife rehabilitator Christy Hargrove from North Carolina.

Annual Celebration

National Squirrel Appreciation Day is celebrated to appreciate the role of these creatures in our eco-system.

Ideas to Celebrate National Squirrel Appreciation Day

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Squirrel Facts Learning Session

Organize an informative gathering where one can delve deep into the world of squirrels, covering aspects like different species, their living environments, eating patterns, and interesting details. You could invite an expert or confer after conducting thorough research.

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Visit a Local Park or Forest

Spend a day in the lush vicinity of parks or forests where squirrels are frequently spotted. Click pictures, interact by feeding them safe food items such as nuts or fruits, and marvel at their lively presence.

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Create Squirrel Art

Unleash your inner artist by conceptualizing and crafting inspiring squirrel-based art. A fun contest can also be organized where the most delightful squirrel art-piece wins.

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Watch Squirrel-related Movies

Immerse yourself in movies or documentaries that portray squirrels. This activity serves as an entertaining tool for kids to gain knowledge about these creatures.

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Create a Squirrel Feeder

Recycle materials to construct a feeder for squirrels. Load it with treats that are safe for squirrels and position it in your garden or terrace to watch squirrels feast.

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Donate to a Wildlife Conservation Organization

Consider contributing to a wildlife conservation group committed to protecting the living conditions of squirrels and other endangered animals.

7 Interesting Facts About Squirrels


Super Jumpers

Did you know that squirrels can soar through the air to cover distances as vast as 20 feet? Blending that with their nimble agility and swift speeds, it's no wonder they are famously known as excellent climbers and elusive escapers.


Eyes in the Back of Their Heads

A fascinating characteristic about squirrels is how their eyes are situated - they're able to view what's occurring behind them without having to move their heads!


Prodigious Planters

Believe it or not, squirrels inadvertently become nature's gardeners! Their tendency to forget where they stash their acorns and seeds results in fresh growth of plants and trees.


Squirrel Communication

Squirrels are known to express themselves through distinctive chirps and tail movements, especially when they sense danger, alerting their fellow friends.


Teeth That Never Stop Growing

Keeping consistent with many rodents, squirrels jawlines host teeth that perpetually grow to combat the continuous gnawing they put them through while chomping on hard foods and nuts.


Baby Boost

It's possible for a female squirrel to deliver up to nine little ones in a single birth after being pregnant for about a month - talk about a baby boom!


Zigzag Runners

Squirrels have mastered an evasive technique against predators - a zigzag running pattern that makes it challenging for would-be attackers to capture them.

National Squirrel Appreciation Day FAQs

Next National Squirrel Appreciation Day Dates

Year Date Day
2023 January 21st Saturday
2024 January 21st Sunday
2025 January 21st Tuesday
2026 January 21st Wednesday
2027 January 21st Thursday
What is the pattern? Every January 21st

National Squirrel Appreciation Day Word Search

  • Squirrel
  • Rodent
  • Mammal
  • Conservation
  • Nut
  • Appreciation