December 23rd

National Roots Day -

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Celebrated every year on the 23rd of December, National Roots Day provides us with a crucial opportunity to chart our personal narratives and lineage, unearthing and following our predecessors’ paths. Placed conveniently during the holiday season, which is rich in family union and shared moments, this event nudges us toward appreciating our family history and understanding our self-identity on a deeper level.

National Roots Day unites us in the act of lighting up our familial past, cherishing our family customs and applauding the trek that sculpted our present selves.

History of National Roots Day

The history of ancestry and immigration in the United States is a vast topic which shaped the very foundation of the country. The indigenous peoples of the Americas were the pre-Columbian inhabitants before the arrival of settlers from other parts of the world.

The first wave of immigrants in significant numbers came via the transatlantic voyage from Europe, with the Spanish, English, French, and Dutch establishing colonies. The population further increased with the arrival of African slaves. Throughout the 17th, 18th and the early part of 19th centuries, immigration came predominantly from Western Europe.

The mid 19th century saw the Irish and German immigrants making their way into the US, fleeing poverty and political unrest at home. Towards the late 19th and early 20th centuries, more Southern and Eastern Europeans, including Italians, Poles, and Jews, started coming.

The 1965 Immigration Act abolished the quota system based on national origins, leading to a high increase in immigrants from Asia and Latin America. This wave of “new immigration” continues right up to the present and has significantly diversified the demographic mix in the US.

National Roots Day encourages people to delve into their individual heritage, learning about their ancestors’ immigration and their initial experiences in the country. It reminds Americans of their nation’s multicultural roots and the value of diversity.

National Roots Day Timeline

Migration Period

Large-scale migration in Europe, particularly of Germanic and Slavic tribes, influences modern nationality and heritage.

Christopher Columbus Discovers New World

The European discovery of America leads to large-scale migration and colonization, reshaping the world's ethnic composition.

Founding of Jamestown

The first permanent English settlement in America marks the beginning of British colonial history in the United States.

American Independence

The United States declares independence from Britain, establishing its own national identity.

Immigration and Nationality Act

This act removes national-origin quotas, significantly altering US immigration policy, and leading to diverse cultural influx.

Celebration of National Roots Day

December 23 is recognized as National Roots Day, encouraging individuals to explore and celebrate their family history and heritage.

Ideas to Celebrate National Roots Day

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Ancestor Research

Spend some time investigating your family's history. You can use online genealogy resources and databases to explore your family's past and learn about your ancestors. Share interesting findings with your family.

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Traditional Cooking Day

Prepare meals that celebrate your heritage. Research traditional meals from the countries or regions your family comes from and spend the day cooking and baking these foods at home.

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Family Storytelling

Organize a family gathering where older family members can share stories about your family's history and their personal experiences. Record these discussions so they can be shared with future generations.

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Cultural Showcase

Create a cultural showcase focusing on the customs, traditions, and history of your family's ethnic or cultural background. This could include traditional music, dance, literature, or even clothing.

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Collect old family photos, documents, and other memorabilia and create a scrapbook. This can serve as a tangible reminder of your family's journey and history.

6 Interesting Facts About National Roots Day


The Importance of Roots

National Roots Day encourages people to delve into their personal and family history, heritage and ancestry in order to gain a sense of who they are and where they come from.


Family Gatherings

One reason National Roots Day falls on December 23rd is that this is a time when many families are already gathered together for the holiday season, making it easier to share family stories and history.


Genealogy Popularity

Genealogy is the second most popular hobby in the U.S. after gardening, and the second most visited category of websites. National Roots Day gives enthusiasts more reasons to dig deep into their family history.


Technological Advances and National Roots Day

With the growth of DNA testing and online tools, tracing lineage has become easier and more popular. National Roots Day is an opportunity to make use of these resources.


The Health Benefits of Understanding Your Roots

Understanding one's family health history is also beneficial. Given that certain health conditions can be hereditary, having this information can be valuable for preventive measures.


Preserving History

National Roots Day is not only about identifying ancestors, but also preserving their stories and experiences for future generations.

National Roots Day FAQs

Next National Roots Day Dates

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2023 December 23rd Saturday
2024 December 23rd Monday
2025 December 23rd Tuesday
2026 December 23rd Wednesday
2027 December 23rd Thursday
What is the pattern? Every December 23rd

National Roots Day Word Search

  • Ancestry
  • Heritage
  • Genealogy
  • Relatives
  • Descendants
  • Traditions