January 6th

National Bean Day -

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Every year on January 6th, we mark National Bean Day as a tribute to Gregor Mendel, the pioneer whose innovative research on beans and peas changed the understanding of inheritance. This unique celebration not only highlights the long history of beans but also their nutritional importance and their role in various cuisines.

Whether it’s in a classic soup, a hearty stew, a foreign delicacy, or an unusual dessert, beans prove their adaptability and appeal time and again, making National Bean Day a wonderful occasion for food enthusiasts everywhere.

History of National Bean Day

Beans have been a staple in our diets for centuries. Research suggests that beans were first cultivated in Peru around 7,000 years ago. In fact, the oldest-known domesticated beans in the Americas were found in Guitarrero Cave, an archaeological site in Peru.

In the Americas, the “Three Sisters” — maize, beans, and squash — were the three main agricultural crops. Native Americans often planted these together because they benefit from each other.

When Columbus arrived in the New World, he returned to Europe with beans, an important cargo at that time. These New World beans, generally lima and kidney beans, replaced the broad bean in Europe due to their better taste and texture.

Throughout centuries, beans have become an international food staple, due to their adaptability to most climates and soils, the beneficial nutrients they provide, and their ease of storage and cultivation.

Each year on January 6th, National Bean Day is recognized across the United States. This day is a tribute to the passing of Gregor Mendel, a renowned geneticist, on January 6th, 1884. Mendel made significant strides in understanding inheritance, largely thanks to his experiments with bean plants.

This day is also celebrated to acknowledge the incredible diversity of bean varieties and their centrality in various culinary traditions around the world. Beans have long been essential in many diets because of their rich content of protein and fiber.

National Bean Day Timeline

First Cultivated Beans

Beans begin to be cultivated in some parts of the world such as Peru and northern Argentina.

Beans Reach Europe

After Christopher Columbus's discovery of the New World, beans are introduced to Europe and hence, start becoming a global commodity.

Beans in North America

Beans become a staple crop for Americans.

Mass Production of Canned Beans

The HJ Heinz Co. starts mass production of canned beans, making beans a more accessible and convenient food source.

National Bean Day

'National Bean Day' is established to commemorate the death of geneticist Gregor Mendel, who used bean and pea plants in his heredity experiments.

Ideas to Celebrate National Bean Day

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Bean Tasting Party

Why not call together your pals or relatives for a global bean sampling gathering? You could get various canned beans from a range of places or whip up distinctive bean specialty from different areas. This way, everyone will get to appreciate the diverse range and adaptability of beans.

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Bean Cooking Class

Why not coordinate a culinary course focused on beans? You can do this either online or face-to-face. Exchange recipes and methods to inspire other people to introduce beans into their nutritional regimen. For an extra touch, invite a local culinary expert to conduct the class.

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Visit Local Bean Farms

Consider a family excursion day to a nearby bean farm. Numerous farms offer tours that educate about the process of growing and picking beans. Not only is it informative, but it also bolsters local farming.

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Bean-Themed Family Dinner

Prepare a familial dinner using beans as a primary constituent. You have a plethora of bean dishes to test, from bean soup, bean hot dish, or bean salad. The beauty of it is the vast variety of culinary creations that you can derive from beans.

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Bean Expo or Festival

Bring together a local bean expo or carnival, calling upon vendors that specialize in dishes or commodities made out of beans. This could include inviting local agriculturalists, eateries and food craftspeople.

6 Interesting Facts About Beans


Variety of Beans

About 400 different bean types are known to exist worldwide, however, a significantly smaller number of these are grown and consumed on a large scale.


Nutritional Value

Beans are extremely nutritious, packed with vital proteins, vitamins, and minerals, but are low in fat. On top of that, they are rich in fiber.


Longest Green Bean

A green bean grown by H. Hurley of North Carolina in 1996 grew to a length of 121.9 cm (48.75 in).


Beans in World Cuisine

From Mexico to Italy, China to Africa, beans are an integral part of various global culinary traditions.


Beans and Flatulence

Beans are associated with causing gas, a result of indigestible sugar known as oligosaccharides found in them.


Beans and Soil

They might seem simple, but beans are actually eco-friendly as they possess the ability to convert the nitrogen in the air into a usable form for plants and other organisms.

National Bean Day FAQs

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National Bean Day Word Search

  • Beans
  • Protein
  • Nutrients
  • Garbanzo
  • Lentil
  • Pinto