January 15th

Museum Selfie Day -

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Museum Selfie Day, observed on the third Wednesday of January is a worldwide event heldthat encourages guests to take and share exceptional selfies with exhibits they love. This contemporary digital event combines the rich facets of history and culture with the current trends.

The aim of this day is to inspire individuals to connect and interact playfully and creatively with museum pieces. The day introduces a refreshing twist to the tranquil atmosphere of the museums, converting them into lively and engaging spaces swarming with vibrant exhibits, imaginative selfies, and a plethora of social media interactions.

History of Museum Selfie Day

Museum Selfie Day is a relatively recent social media-based event that aims to encourage museum-visiting engagements, particularly among those who are frequent users of digital platforms. The brainchild of this initiative is Mar Dixon, a woman based in the U.K. who is involved in creative consultation for museums.

The inauguration of the Museum Selfie Day event took place in 2014. Dixon’s vision was to devise a fun and unique way for individuals to depict their episodes of museum explorations publicly. The concept was enthusiastically received and quickly gained international traction, inspiring venue-specific posts at museum sites such as the Louvre in Paris or the Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York.

The purpose behind the yearly Museum Selfie Day, set on the third Wednesday of January, extends beyond merely popularizing the trend of taking amusing self-portraits amidst art pieces. It seeks to invite both past and potential visitors, especially the younger population, to perceive museums as interesting, lively, and contemporary spaces worth exploring.

The true essence of this day lies in transcending geographical limits and uniting art enthusiasts around the globe. They come together to celebrate their shared love for art, history, and culture. The collective act of uploading selfies taken in the premises of various museums under the hashtag #MuseumSelfie not only reaffirms their shared interest but also promotes museums as significant cultural sites.

Museum Selfie Day Timeline

Birth of the term 'Selfie'

Australian man took a picture of his busted lip and posted it online, casually referring to the image as a 'Selfie'.

Instagram Launched

Instagram, a photo and video sharing app was launched, providing a platform for people to share their selfies and other pictures with the world.

First Museum Selfie Day

Museum Selfie Day was first organized by London blogger Mar Dixon.

Increased Museum Visits

The trend of Museum Selfie Day significantly increased museum visits. Many people visited museums just to participate in the event.

Future of Museum Selfie Day

Museum Selfie Day has already become an important event in many countries.

Ideas to Celebrate Museum Selfie Day

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Curated Selfie Tour

You can arrange a special path throughout the museum that highlights specific showcases and collections which are perfect for selfies. Invite museum attendees to snap a photo in these specific areas for a personal and engaging tour experience.

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Selfie Scavenger Hunt

Make the Museum Selfie Day more engaging with a selfie-focused scavenger hunt. Provide the participants clues that will guide them to specific exhibits or figures where they must take a selfie with the identified item.

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Virtual Museum Tour

If your museum is running an online platform, encourage people to take part in a virtual tour. Participants can share screenshots of themselves in the 'virtual visit' to different exhibits and share it on their social media platforms, mentioning the museum's page.

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Best Selfie Contest

Announce a competition for Museum Selfie Day. Invite people who visit your museum to upload their best selfies on their social media accounts and tag your museum's official social media pages. You could offer appealing prizes like free passes, exclusive tours or gift shop vouchers.

5 Interesting Facts About Museum Selfie


International Participation

People from all corners of the globe delight in sharing their museum selfies on Museum Selfie Day. This global phenomenon sees engagement from myriad countries around the world.


A Hashtag Uniting Art Lovers

Born from the unifying power of a hashtag, #MuseumSelfie has brought together art aficionados and social media lovers. This hashtag sees a flurry of activity from users posting their most memorable selfie moments captured inside a museum.


Initiated by Cultural Enthusiast

The seed for Museum Selfie Day was planted by Mar Dixon, an ardent lover of museums of all kinds. Her vision was to make museums a place of enjoyment and exploration for everyone.


Not Just for Visitors

It's not just the museum-goers who participate in Museum Selfie Day. Those who work behind the scenes in these cultural institutions often join in, providing unique snapshots of day-to-day life in a museum.


Featured Artworks

Many participants endeavor to mirror the poses or expressions of the artworks creating a playful juxtaposition of modern-day individuals with classical pieces of art.

Museum Selfie Day FAQs

Next Museum Selfie Day Dates

Year Date Day
2023 January 18th Wednesday
2024 January 17th Wednesday
2025 January 15th Wednesday
2026 January 21st Wednesday
2027 January 20th Wednesday
What is the pattern? Third Wednesday of January

Museum Selfie Day Word Search

  • Selfie
  • Museum
  • Artifacts
  • Exhibits
  • Culture
  • History