January 24th

International Day of Education -

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Every year on 24th of January, we celebrate the International Day of Education, a worldwide initiative established by the United Nations (UN) in 2018. This important day underscores the pivotal role that education plays in promoting peace and progress.

International Day of Education is a day to reiterate our commitment to quality education that is inclusive and equitable, and a day to increase our efforts to equip both young people and adults with the knowledge and skills they need to thrive in the future. By recognizing education as a key driver of human success, we raise our voices for the right of everyone to have access to education.

History of International Day of Education

Recognized by the United Nations, International Day of Education is a globally observed day set aside to appreciate and celebrate the significance of education across the world. The inauguration of this day was made on December 3, 2018, by the UN General Assembly via a resolution. The first-ever International Day of Education rolled out on January 24, 2019, and the same date has been maintained for the annual celebrations since then.

Countries like Nigeria, Ireland, Singapore, and Qatar spearheaded the initial resolution to recognize this special day. The overriding goal was to emphasize education’s critical part in promoting worldwide peace and development. This day also dovetails with Goal 4 of the UN’s 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. This goal seeks to “guarantee inclusive and equitable quality education alongside promoting lifelong learning opportunities for everyone.”

The International Day of Education underscores that education is not just a human right but also a public obligation and a public good. The day provides an opportunity for governments, the civil society, and stakeholders to underscore the urgent issues troubling the world’s education systems and brainstorm innovative solutions.

Every year, this day is celebrated with a diverse range of events and activities all aimed at endorsing the value of education. Instances of such could be seminars, panel discussions, or art and writing competitions for students. Often, each year is marked with a unique central theme related to education. For instance, in 2020, the theme was “Learning for people, planet, prosperity, and peace.”

International Day of Education Timeline

Rise of Universities

Scholarly communities assembled into what we know today as universities in places like Bologna and Paris.

First Public School

The first public school, Boston Latin School, was founded in the United States.

Education Act 1870

First attempt to provide education for all children, in England and Wales especially for the poor ones.

Emergence of E-Learning

The Internet revolutionised the concept of learning—the information was transferred via the World Wide Web.

Sustainable Development Goals

Education is recognized as Goal 4 of the UN’s 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development

UN General Assembly

The United Nations General Assembly proclaimed 24 January as 'International Day of Education'.

First International Day of Education

The first International Day of Education was celebrated globally with various activitis.

Ideas to Celebrate International Day of Education

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Education Awareness Rally

Stage a public procession or march to elevate awareness about the critical role of education, specifically on the International Day of Education. You could involve local institutions, schools, and other organizations to take part and showcase their contributions towards improving education.

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Knowledge Sharing Session

Host an interesting session or gathering where students, teachers, and intellectual leaders can unite to exchange ideas and real-life experiences relevant to education. It can be an exciting platform to debate ways of enhancing the existing educational system.

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Donate for Education

Begin a charity drive to aid the disadvantaged who are deprived of basic education. This collected fund can be employed to purchase educational supplies, school clothes or even help finance a child's education for an entire year.

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Online Education Webinars

Promote a series of online seminars emphasizing the crucial role and advantages of digital learning. The discussions could include an overview of the essential tools and strategies for effective online education, especially considering the recent global circumstances.

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Public Debate

Coordinate public debates around critical educational themes such as the influence of technology in education, the legitimacy of standardized tests, or the necessity of arts in the curriculum. This encourages thoughtful discussions and stimulates public debate on educational topics.

6 Interesting Facts About Education


Hippocrates’ Influence

Did you know the renowned ancient Greek thinker Hippocrates wasn't just instrumental in the medical field but in education as well? He propagated that students should have a solid grasp of the arts and sciences. This belief laid the groundwork for the model of comprehensive education.


Education in Finland

Finland's education system is acclaimed worldwide, and surprisingly, it does not advocate homework. The Finnish philosophy emphasizes complete learning within the school setting.


The Power of Teacher's Feedback

Studies suggest that students learn much better and perform remarkably when teachers consistently give them feedback. This approach also plays a part in boosting a student's confidence.


Charity Schools

The U.S's initial schools in the 13 colonies were branded 'charity schools.' These learning institutes catered primarily to orphans or children from families that couldn't manage to pay for their education.


The Learning Pyramid

The Learning Pyramid theory proposes that an average individual can remember up to 90% of the information learned when they use it to teach someone else.


After-School Self-Defense

In Japan, teaching martial arts like Judo and Karate is a standard practice in schools. It's a part of their curriculum designed to instill discipline and respect in scholars.

International Day of Education FAQs

Next International Day of Education Dates

Year Date Day
2023 January 24th Tuesday
2024 January 24th Wednesday
2025 January 24th Friday
2026 January 24th Saturday
2027 January 24th Sunday
What is the pattern? Every January 24th

International Day of Education Word Search

  • Education
  • Literacy
  • Awareness
  • Development
  • Opportunity
  • Knowledge