December 9th

Genocide Prevention Day -

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The International Day of Reflection on the Prevention of Genocide, also recognized as Genocide Prevention Day, takes place each year on the 9th of December. This day of observance pays tribute to the victims of genocide and endeavors to raise awareness about the devastating effects of such acts of hatred.

Genocide Prevention Day emphasizes the global importance of public efforts and a dedication to preventing such grave atrocities, conveying a powerful reminder of our shared obligation to prevent, protect, and hold those guilty accountable in order to secure a more peaceful world for future generations.

History of Genocide Prevention Day

The International Day of Commemoration and Dignity of the Victims of the Crime of Genocide and of the Prevention of this Crime is recognized universally on December 9 each year. This day, also widely known as Genocide Prevention Day, was decreed by the United Nations General Assembly in the year 2015.

This particular date represents the day in 1948 when the Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide was accepted. The implementation of this convention was a direct consequence of the brutal events that unfolded during the Second World War – the most notable being the Holocaust, which saw around six million Jews systematically killed.

Raphael Lemkin, who had first introduced the term “genocide,” played a catalytic role in the development of this convention. His tireless efforts were in response to the heinous policies enacted by the Nazis that supported and encouraged genocidal acts.

The key objective of acknowledging this day is twofold: to pay respect to those who fell victim to such genocides and to reaffirm a global pledge to prevent future occurrences of such gruesome acts. The resolution also elucidates that nations must encourage education and uphold laws to effectively deter genocides.

Genocide Prevention Day Timeline

End of World War II

The end of World War II and the revelation of the Holocaust highlighted the horrific impact of genocide.

Adoption of the Genocide Convention

The United Nations General Assembly adopted the Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide.

Rwandan Genocide

The massacre of the Tutsi population in Rwanda brought worldwide attention back to the issue of genocide and the importance of prevention efforts.

Responsibility to Protect

The United Nations World Summit adopted the principle of 'Responsibility to Protect', which holds states responsible for protecting populations from genocide.

Establishment of Genocide Prevention Day

Genocide Prevention Day was decreed by the United Nations General Assembly.

Ideas to Celebrate Genocide Prevention Day

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Educational Seminar

Organize an educational seminar on the history of genocides around the world. Invite scholars, researchers, or Holocaust and genocide survivors to share their insights and increase awareness about the severity of such occurrences.

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Community Vigil

Hold a community vigil in remembrance of the victims of genocides. Involve local churches, temples, mosques and community centres. Light candles and offer moments of silence in respect for those who have lost their lives.

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Documentary Screening

Arrange a documentary screening that shows the reality of past genocides. Afterwards, host a discussion to engage attendees in dialogue about the causes and long-lasting effects of these horrific events.

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Book Club

Start a book club focused on books written by survivors of genocides or scholarly texts examining the sociopolitical contexts that led to such horrors. This can foster a deepened understanding, empathy and create an open dialogue on the subject.

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Peace Rally

Host a peace rally that advocates for the prevention of genocides. Invite guest speakers and activists who can shed light on the current issues and ways to take actionable steps towards peace.

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Social Media Campaign

Launch a social media campaign dedicated to raising awareness about genocides. Publish posts, articles, and images to educate your followers. Include hashtags like #NeverAgain and #GenocidePrevention to connect with people around the world.

5 Interesting Facts About Genocide Prevention Day


Connection with Universal Declaration of Human Rights

Interestingly, Genocide Prevention Day shares its date with the adoption of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, which occurred in 1948. Both commemorate efforts to enforce human rights and humanity's responsibility to prevent genocides.


Significance of Name

While it is widely referred to as Genocide Prevention Day, its official name is the 'International Day of Commemoration and Dignity of the Victims of the Crime of Genocide and of the Prevention of this Crime'. This emphasizes the dual purpose of remembering victims and preventing future occurrences.


Rwanda's Influence

The 1994 genocide in Rwanda played a crucial role in shaping the UN's approach to genocide. Following the horrific event, in which an estimated 800,000 people were murdered within 100 days, the UN took steps to strengthen its commitment to genocide prevention.


UN's Active Role

The United Nations has proactively participated in preventing genocide. In 2004, the UN established the office of the Special Adviser for the Prevention of Genocide. The goal of this office is to provide early warnings about potential genocides or mass atrocities to the Security Council and other UN bodies.


Global Participation

Countries around the world participate in Genocide Prevention Day by holding memorial services, educational events, and advocating for policies to stop genocides. The day serves as a global call to action to prevent future atrocities.

Genocide Prevention Day FAQs

Next Genocide Prevention Day Dates

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2023 December 9th Saturday
2024 December 9th Monday
2025 December 9th Tuesday
2026 December 9th Wednesday
2027 December 9th Thursday
What is the pattern? Every December 9th

Genocide Prevention Day Word Search

  • Prevention
  • Awareness
  • Humanity
  • Education
  • Remembrance
  • Justice