January 17th

Benjamin Franklin Day -

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Every year on January 17th, we celebrate Benjamin Franklin Day, a day dedicated to one of the most influential figures in American history. Franklin, a politician, writer, inventor, and scientist, played an instrumental role in shaping our nation.

Born on this day in 1706, his legacy continues to impact our modern world. Benjamin Franklin Day is not just a simple celebration; it’s a moment for us to reflect and appreciate Franklin’s remarkable contributions and their enduring impact on society.

History of Benjamin Franklin Day

Benjamin Franklin was born on January 17, 1706 in Boston. The fifteenth of seventeen children, Franklin would eventually go on to be known as a polymath for his many interests and contributions. He received formal education until the age of 10, but he cultivated a love for reading early on.

After working as a printer with his brother James and traveling to London, Franklin returned to Philadelphia and began his own printing business. He became quite successful, and by 1730, he not only owned his own print shop but also became the official printer for Pennsylvania Gazette. Meanwhile, he also established the first subscription library in America called the Library Company and he began publishing the “Poor Richard’s Almanack” under the pseudonym Richard Saunders in 1732, which became widely popular for its wisdom and wit.

Franklin’s scientific pursuits also took off in the mid-18th century. In 1752, he conducted his famous electricity experiment with a kite and a key in a thunderstorm, which proved that lightning is electricity. He also started work in meteorology, oceanography, and even demographic studies. Yet his contributions were not just limited to academia; he also held various public offices, eventually becoming the postmaster of Philadelphia in 1737 and the deputy postmaster of North America in 1753.

Franklin’s later life was primarily dedicated to politics. He fought strongly for colonial unity during the American Revolution, first as a representative of Pennsylvania in the Continental Congress and later as the U.S. ambassador to France. He played a critical role in the drafting of the U.S. Constitution and was among its signatories.

Franklin passed away on April 17, 1790, in Philadelphia, leaving behind a significant legacy as one of America’s greatest polymaths—equally respected as a writer, scientist, inventor, and statesman.

Benjamin Franklin Day Timeline

Birth of Benjamin Franklin

Benjamin Franklin was born on January 17, 1706, in Boston, Massachusetts.

Benjamin begins Apprenticeship

At age 12, Benjamin Franklin became an apprentice to his brother James at his printing shop.

Moves to Philadelphia

Franklin moved to Philadelphia, Pennsylvania where he worked at Samuel Keimer's print shop.

Purchases Newspaper

Franklin purchased the Pennsylvania Gazette and turned it into one of the colonies' most prestigious newspapers.

Kite Experiment

Franklin conducted his famous experiment with a kite, confirming that lightning is electricity.

Postmaster General

Franklin was appointed the Postmaster General during the American Revolution.

Signs the Declaration of Independence

Franklin was among the group of people who drafted the US Declaration of Independence, which he also signed.

Invents Bifocals

To help his failing vision, Franklin invented bifocals.

Signs the U.S. Constitution

Benjamin Franklin signed the U.S Constitution as a Pennsylvania delegate.

Death of Benjamin Franklin

Benjamin Franklin died on April 17, 1790, in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.

Ideas to Celebrate Benjamin Franklin Day

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Visit a Museum

Explore the local history museum on a look-out for any display about Benjamin Franklin. Dive into his multitude of roles in the United States' history - political, inventive and more.

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Watch a Documentary

Arrange a group viewing of a motion picture or a documentary that dives into the life and accomplishments of Benjamin Franklin. This can be followed by a reviewing discussion.

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Book Discussion Club

Set up a reading gathering centered on literature about Benjamin Franklin. This could range from his biographical works, historical narratives, or even his own written works.

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Hold a Benjamin Franklin Trivia Night

Evaluate your dear ones' understanding of Franklin with an engaging trivia game night. Questions can revolve around his innovations, political reforms, and other novel aspects.

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Invention Showcase

Arrange a display of Benjamin Franklin's inventions with your loved ones. The display might be added with models of devices like the Franklin stove, bifocal glasses, or a lightning rod.

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Community Service

Pay tribute to Franklin's known community dedication by volunteering or initiating an event that benefits the community. It could be a fundraising walk, communal clean-up, or assistance at a neighborhood food bank.

7 Interesting Facts About Benjamin Franklin


Inventor of Bifocals

One of Benjamin Franklin's inventions is the bifocal glasses, designed to aid those suffering from presbyopia and myopia simultaneously. He designed the lenses such that the top allowed him to view distant objects clearly, while the bottom was used for reading.


Renowned Chess Player

Franklin had a profound love for chess, making him one of the most well-known players in America. In addition, he wrote an essay titled 'The Morals of Chess'.


Creator of the Lightning Rod

It was Franklin who came up with the concept of the lightning rod. He discovered that a rod with a sharp point could act as a target for lightning strikes, thus preventing potential damage to ships and buildings.


A Skilled Musician

Known for his musical talent, Franklin was proficient in playing a variety of instruments, such as the guitar, violin, and harp. Interestingly, he also engineered a musical instrument named the 'glass armonica', that created sounds through touching the border of various-sized glass rims.


Master of Pseudonyms

Franklin often published his writings under a variety of fake names. Among his flourishing pseudonyms was Richard Saunders, the fictional author of the highly acclaimed Poor Richard's Almanack.


First U.S. Postmaster General

In 1753, Franklin was selected as the deputy postmaster general for the American colonies by the British. Later, in 1775, he was promoted as the first U.S. Postmaster General under the Continental Congress.


Creater of the First Public Library

Benjamin Franklin, alongside his counterparts, established the first public library in America, known as the Library Company of Philadelphia, in 1731. This was a lending library where individuals paid a subscription to borrow books.

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