July 15th

World Youth Skills Day -

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The 15th of July each year is dedicated to recognizing and promoting the importance of skill development in young people worldwide. As set by the United Nations, World Youth Skills Day serves as a reminder that skills such as technical and vocational education are pivotal in creating better employment and entrepreneurship possibilities for our youth.

This day is not just about promoting skill developing initiatives to combat global youth unemployment but also about ensuring each young person has the opportunity to grow and succeed.

History of World Youth Skills Day

World Youth Skills Day (WYSD) is a yearly event that falls on July 15th, a date set by the United Nations General Assembly (UNGA) back in 2014. Sri Lanka was the first to raise the importance of developing skills in the youth, leading to the establishment of World Youth Skills Day. The initiative aimed to address the growing concern of youth unemployment across the globe.

The primary purpose of this day is to support and encourage the development of skills in young people, providing awareness about why it’s beneficial to invest in youth skills development.

The inaugural World Youth Skills Day took place on July 15th, 2015. This event, held in New York, USA, was a collaboration between the United Nations and the WorldSkills organization. It featured panel discussions on enhancing the quality and accessibility of skills development programs for the youth.

World Youth Skills Day serves an essential function - to bring attention to the important part skillful youth can play in dealing with present and future global issues. This day also pushes for increased access to top-tier training and skills development opportunities for young individuals.

Through the years, celebrating World Youth Skills Day has effectively raised awareness about the significance of developing skills in the youth. This attention promotes discourse and progress in policies that empower young people to be more competitive in the job market.

World Youth Skills Day Timeline

Year of Youth

The United Nations designated 2010 as the International Year of Youth.

World Youth Skills Day established

World Youth Skills Day was established in 2014 by the UN General Assembly.

First Official World Skills Day

First official observance of World Youth Skills Day held on 15th July 2015.

Digital Skills Focus

The focus highlighted the importance of digital skills particularly.

Skilling teachers, trainers and youth for a transformative future

It draws attention to the importance of young people for a transformative future.

Ideas to Celebrate World Youth Skills Day

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Skill-based Workshops

Host a series of workshops to educate the youth on different skills that could be useful in their personal and professional life. The workshops could range from technological skills like coding and digital marketing to soft skills like communication, leadership, and time management.

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Showcase Talents

Conduct talent shows or exhibitions, where young people can demonstrate their unique skills. This platform can not only inspire their peers, but also encourage the participants to improve and hone their ability.

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Career Guidance Sessions

Invite professionals from various industries to share their experiences and provide advice and guidance to the youth. This could give them insights into the skills required for different careers and inspire them to pursue their ambitions.

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Community Service

Arrange community service events where young people can volunteer their time and skills to help those in need. This could involve repairing local facilities, organizing fundraising events, or giving tuition classes.

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Interactive Skills Contest

Organize an interactive skills contest, where participants compete in tasks that require various skills. These could range from chess games that improve strategic thinking, to cooking competitions that encourage creativity and time management.

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Online Webinars

Plan webinars featuring successful entrepreneurs, artists, and other professionals who can share their experiences and provide expert tips on acquiring and improving various skills.

6 Interesting Facts About World Youth Skills Day


Skills for the Future

World Youth Skills Day emphasizes the need for teaching young people skills that are relevant for the future, such as innovation, creativity, and critical thinking.


Promoting Equal Opportunities

One of the major objectives of World Youth Skills Day is to promote equal opportunities for all genders in technical and vocational fields.


SDGs and World Youth Skills Day

World Youth Skills Day helps in achieving the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development which has set a target to significantly increase the number of youth and adults who have relevant skills by 2030.


Global Engagement

Global organizations, governments, youth groups and education institutions all over the world conduct various activities and workshops to engage with the youth population and celebrate World Youth Skills Day every year.


Reducing Youth Unemployment

World Youth Skills Day aims at reducing youth unemployment rate by providing young people with useful skills which will help them to secure decent work opportunities.


Focus on Vulnerable Youth

World Youth Skills Day also highlights the need to provide appropriate skills and training to vulnerable and marginalized youth, to enhance their employability and livelihood opportunities

World Youth Skills Day FAQs

Next World Youth Skills Day Dates

Year Date Day
2023 July 15th Saturday
2024 July 15th Monday
2025 July 15th Tuesday
2026 July 15th Wednesday
2027 July 15th Thursday
What is the pattern? Every July 15th

World Youth Skills Day Word Search

  • Education
  • Training
  • Leadership
  • Internship
  • Initiative
  • Innovation