World Tuna Day, observed every year on May 2nd, aims at emphasizing the necessity for sustainable fishing practices and conservation strategies that can assist in safeguarding global tuna stocks. The United Nations initiated this day in 2016 with the goal of making everyone aware of the vital role that tuna plays in marine life and the world economy.

Multiple activities and events form parts of this day’s celebration, all designed to spotlight the importance of responsibly utilizing marine resources and the urgent need to tackle the issue of overfishing.

History of World Tuna Day

World Tuna Day was officially recognized by the United Nations General Assembly following a resolution passed in December, 2016. This resolution was primarily driven by Pacific Island nations, including the Federated States of Micronesia, who depend on tuna for both food and income.

Before the UN recognized this day, World Tuna Day was already celebrated on May 2nd by Pacific Island nations since 2011. The goal was to emphasize the importance of sustainable fish stocks in achieving the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.

The intention behind World Tuna Day, as set by the UN, is to bring attention to the significance of tuna, the challenges faced by tuna populations, such as overfishing and environmental changes, and the benefits economically and socially of using sustainable methods to manage tuna stocks.

Tuna and species similar to tuna are economically valuable to many countries, both developed and developing, and are a crucial food source. These species include albacore, bluefin, bigeye, yellowfin, and skipjack tuna, which play a key role in the income of numerous countries.

The first World Tuna Day as recognized by the UN took place on May 2, 2017. This day is now celebrated annually to underline the importance of maintaining sustainable tuna populations and to encourage a worldwide appreciation for tuna.

World Tuna Day Timeline

Canned Tuna

The first canned tuna is created in France due to advancements in canning technology.

Overfishing of Tuna

Overfishing becomes a problem due to the high global demand for tuna. International regulations on tuna fishing are enforced.

Inception of World Tuna Day

In 2011, Pacific Island leaders declared that a World Tuna Day would take place annually on May 2.

Adoption by the United Nations

In December 2016, the United Nations General Assembly voted to officially observe World Tuna Day on May 2 each year.

First universally recognized World Tuna Day

On May 2, 2017, World Tuna Day was celebrated universally for the first time.

Focus on Overfishing

World Tuna Day in 2019 focused on the concerns of overfishing, particularly the endangerment of some species like bluefin tuna.

Ideas to Celebrate World Tuna Day

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Create a Tuna Dish Party

Invite friends over for a potluck where everyone is required to bring a dish that features tuna. This is a fun way to see and taste the many varieties and flavors of cooking with tuna.

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Tuna Dish Recipe Contest

Organize a cooking contest where the main ingredient is tuna. Participants can showcase their culinary skills and creativity, plus everyone gets to enjoy delicious and creative tuna dishes.

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Educational Tuna Documentary

Host a screening of a documentary about tuna. It can focus on anything from the life cycle of tuna to ethical fishing practices. It's a great way to learn more about this valuable marine resource.

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Fish Market Visit and Tuna Auction

Arrange a visit to a local fish market where participants can see a tuna auction. This is an ideal way to understand the importance of tuna in economies worldwide.

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Sustainability Talk

Invite an expert or a marine biologist to give a talk on sustainable fishing practices and how to consume tuna responsibly, helping raise awareness about the importance of preserving this important species.

7 Interesting Facts About Tuna


Fast Swimmers

Tuna are among the fastest-swimming species of fish. Some species can reach speeds of up to 45 miles per hour.


Large Species

The Atlantic Bluefin Tuna is one of the largest species of fish. They can grow up to 10 feet long and weigh as much as 1,500 pounds.


Warm-Bodied Fish

Unlike most fish, tunas are warm-bodied. Their body temperature often higher than the surrounding water which helps them swim faster and hunt more efficiently.


Big Travellers

Some tuna species are known for their long-distance migrations. They can cross an entire ocean basin in a single journey.


High Demand

Tuna are one of the most economically valuable fish. They are heavily fished for their meat which is prized for sashimi and sushi.


Threatened Species

Many species of tuna are threatened by overfishing. The Atlantic Bluefin Tuna is listed as Endangered on the IUCN Red List.


Strong Predators

Tuna are known for their strength and speed, making them top predators in the ocean. They feed primarily on other fish and squid.

World Tuna Day FAQs

Next World Tuna Day Dates

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2023 May 2nd Tuesday
2024 May 2nd Thursday
2025 May 2nd Friday
2026 May 2nd Saturday
2027 May 2nd Sunday
What is the pattern? Every May 2nd

World Tuna Day Word Search

  • Tuna
  • Ocean
  • Sustainable
  • Fisheries
  • Seafood
  • Ecosystem