May 8th

World Red Cross and Red Crescent Day -

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The annual global observance known as World Red Cross and Red Crescent Day is a tribute to the selfless contributions of countless volunteers and personnel working to make a difference in humanity’s cause. Every year on May 8, the international community celebrates this dedicated service to humanity. This date also commemorates the birth of Henry Dunant, the founder of the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC).

The day serves as an acknowledgment of the crucial role that the Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement play in providing rescue and support during various emergencies such as natural calamities, health crises, and conflicts. This global event also promotes the seven core principles of the organization, namely Humanity, Impartiality, Neutrality, Independence, Voluntary Service, Unity, and Universality, urging people worldwide to uphold them.

History of World Red Cross and Red Crescent Day

The annual observance of World Red Cross and Red Crescent Day takes place every May 8. The purpose of this day is to honour the global work of the International Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement, which dedicates itself to protecting human life, promoting good health, alleviating human suffering, and upholding human dignity.

Henry Dunant, the founder of the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC), was born on May 8, 1828, which is why this date was selected. Dunant was a Swiss humanitarian and businessman who developed the notion of an impartial organization that would aid injured soldiers, regardless of their affiliation in conflicts. His thoughts were presented in his 1862 book, “A Memory of Solferino”, which prompted the establishment of the International Committee of the Red Cross in 1863 and the enactment of the First Geneva Convention in 1864.

The first official observance of the World Red Cross and Red Crescent Day was in 1948. This came after the Board of Governors of the League of Red Cross Societies approved a proposal for an annual celebration. However, before the official observance, many countries had already been observing a similarly themed ‘Red Cross Day’ since the end of World War I.

Each year, World Red Cross and Red Crescent Day focuses on specific themes that highlight the movement’s various areas of work, including disaster response, health emergencies, and blood donation, amongst others. The day also aims to reiterate the principles of the International Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement - humanity, impartiality, neutrality, independence, voluntary service, unity, and universality.

Now, the International Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement is the world’s most extensive humanitarian network with more than 100 million members, volunteers, and supporters across 186 countries. World Red Cross and Red Crescent Day facilitates global activities and campaigns to generate awareness, raise funds, and honour the volunteers that undertake the life-saving work of this humanitarian powerhouse.

World Red Cross and Red Crescent Day Timeline

Creation of the Red Cross

A Swiss businessman, Henry Dunant founded the International Committee of the Red Cross.

First Nobel Peace Prize

Henry Dunant, founder of the International Committee of the Red Cross was awarded the first ever Nobel Peace Prize.

Founding of the International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies

In the aftermath of World War I, the International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies was established.

First Red Cross Day

The date chosen was May 8th, to honour the birth of Henry Dunant, the founder of Red Cross.

Adoption of the Seven Fundamental Principles

The Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement adopted the seven principles of humanity, impartiality, neutrality, independence, voluntary service, unity, and universality.

Adoption of Current Name

The observance was renamed to 'World Red Cross and Red Crescent Day' to reflect a more global representation.

Ideas to Celebrate World Red Cross and Red Crescent Day

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Spreading Awareness

Organize an awareness campaign within your local community. The day can be marked by distributing flyers about the Red Cross and Red Crescent’s humanitarian work, speaking at local schools or community centers about the importance of these organizations, and sharing information on social media platforms.

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Fundraising Event

Host a charity event to raise funds for the Red Cross and Red Crescent societies. It can be a bake sale, a fun run, a concert, or any event that encourages community participation. The collected funds can be donated to support their various relief initiatives.

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First Aid Workshop

Coordinate with your local Red Cross and Red Crescent chapter to conduct a basic first aid workshop. This not only helps increase knowledge and skills but also highlights the importance of the work done by these organizations.

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Blood Donation Drive

Organize a blood donation camp with the supervision of Red Cross officials. Encourage friends, family, and community members to participate, as this act can save numerous lives and is an integral part of the Red Cross' mission.

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Virtual Seminars

Arrange virtual seminars with guest speakers from the Red Cross and Red Crescent. They can share their experiences on the field, discuss their missions, and even provide training on disaster preparedness, which is central to their work.

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Celebrating Volunteers and Staff

Recognize and appreciate the efforts of Red Cross and Red Crescent volunteers and staff in your community. Host a small event or acknowledge them publicly on social media platforms for their selfless dedication.

8 Interesting Facts About Red Cross and Red Crescent


Symbol's Significance

The Red Cross symbol was designed as a reverse of the Swiss flag (a white cross on a red field), as a tribute to its founder's home country.


Red Crescent's Birth

The Red Crescent was used first in 1876 during the Russo-Turkish War, as a reaction to the objections of the Ottoman Empire and Egypt to use the cross, due to religious considerations.


Nobel Peace Prizes

The International Committee of the Red Cross is the only organization to have been awarded the Nobel Peace Prize three times—in 1917 and 1944 for its work during the World Wars, and also in 1963 during its 100th anniversary.


Global Presence

Both Red Cross and Red Crescent are present in nearly every country worldwide, making them one of the largest and most recognized humanitarian organizations.


Red Crystal

In addition to the Red Cross and Red Crescent, there is a third symbol known as the Red Crystal. Initiated in 2007, it was introduced to address political and religious sensitivities to the other two emblems.


First Aid Training

The Red Cross and Red Crescent are renowned for providing widespread first aid training to the public. Since it was founded, this organization has trained millions of people in lifesaving skills.


Blood Donation

The American Red Cross collects and maintains 40% of America's blood supply. They collect around 6.8 million donations a year.


Number of volunteers

With a network of approximately 13 million volunteers worldwide, the Red Cross and Red Crescent represent an immense global force for good.

World Red Cross and Red Crescent Day FAQs

Next World Red Cross and Red Crescent Day Dates

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World Red Cross and Red Crescent Day Word Search

  • Volunteers
  • Health
  • Humanitarian
  • Emergency
  • Support
  • Medicine