May 31st

World No Tobacco Day -

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Every year on the 31st of May, we recognize World No Tobacco Day across the globe. This notable event is carried out under the guidance of the World Health Organization (WHO), aiming to shed light on the severe health dangers that come with tobacco use. It catalyzes the implementation of robust strategies and policies to curb tobacco consumption.

This day emphasizes the pressing necessity for governmental intervention in tobacco control while educating individuals about the detrimental consequences tobacco use has on their health and the collective environment.

History of World No Tobacco Day

Initially, the World Health Organization established World No Tobacco Day in 1987 due to mounting international concern about the negative impact of tobacco usage on public wellness. These concerns were sparked by revelations in the 1960s and 70s about the severe consequences of smoking on health.

In 1987, during the World Health Assembly, a resolution was passed, proposing that April 7, 1988, be observed as a “world no-smoking day.” This marked the inception of the first ever World No Tobacco Day, and it achieved significant success.

The following year, the World Health Assembly accepted the resolution, suggesting the commemoration of World No Tobacco Day on May 31 annually. Since that time, the WHO and its partners have held annual observances of this day, using it as a platform to enlighten the public about health risks linked to tobacco use, and support policies designed to decrease tobacco consumption globally.

Each year, the WHO introduces a new theme for World No Tobacco Day. Past themes have addressed a wide range of topics including the marketing strategies of tobacco companies and the effects of secondhand smoke. Various activities take place on this day – from educational initiatives, to public debates, to outreach events – all aimed at increasing awareness about the harmful effects of tobacco and encouraging smokers to quit.

World No Tobacco Day Timeline

Early Attempts to Regulate Tobacco

Attempts to control the tobacco industry can be traced back to as early as 1960 when the Royal College of Physicians in the UK concluded it is a hazard to health.

The Public Health Cigarette Smoking Act

The Public Health Cigarette Smoking Act was signed by the U.S. President Nixon, banning cigarette advertisements on television and radio.

First World No Tobacco Day

The World Health Organization introduces World No Tobacco Day to be observed annually on May 31.

WHO Framework Convention on Tobacco Control

The World Health Organization adopted the Framework Convention on Tobacco Control, an international treaty to control tobacco consumption.

Plain Packaging Requirements

Many countries around the world have introduced laws requiring plain packaging of cigarettes to deter people from tobacco use.

Ideas to Celebrate World No Tobacco Day

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Educational Webinar

Organize an educational webinar inviting medical experts and psychologists to discuss the harmful effects of tobacco use and practical ways to quit smoking.

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Healthy Living Workshop

Arrange a healthy living workshop demonstrating exercises, yoga, and meditation techniques that can help maintain focus and resist the urge to smoke.

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Public Pledges

Organize an outdoor event where individuals can make a public pledge to quit smoking. Provide them with a 'Quit Kit' including gum, stress balls, and informational pamphlets to assist them in their journey.

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Storytelling Session

Hold a storytelling session either online or in person, inviting people to share their experiences with tobacco addiction and their triumphs over it. This can serve as a motivational and supportive session for those struggling with tobacco use.

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No Tobacco Fair

Organize a community fair with information booths, cessation resources, workshops, and activities. Use it as an opportunity to distribute nicotine gum, patches, and other quitting aids.

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Awareness Parade

Organize a parade in partnership with local schools and organizations with banners and signs to bring awareness to the dangers of tobacco and the benefits of living a smoke-free life.

5 Interesting Facts About World No Tobacco Day


Global Participation

Thousands of activities and events take place in over 120 countries globally to mark World No Tobacco Day, making it one of the most widely recognized international health days.


Awards on World No Tobacco Day

The World Health Organization presents awards on World No Tobacco Day to individuals or organizations for their exceptional accomplishments in the field of tobacco control.


Global Awareness Campaign

World No Tobacco Day serves as a 24-hour abstinence from all forms of tobacco and is a wake-up call for people, encouraging them to stop tobacco consumption and making them aware of the health issues caused by it.



In 2008, WHO introduced the MPOWER measures to help countries implement anti-tobacco strategies. MPOWER stands for Monitor tobacco use and prevention policies; Protect people from tobacco smoke; Offer help to quit tobacco use; Warn about the dangers of tobacco, Enforce bans on tobacco advertising, promotion and sponsorship, and Raise taxes on tobacco.


Impact on Youth

World No Tobacco Day also aims to discourage young people from taking up tobacco use by exposing industry tactics and misinformation spread by them.

World No Tobacco Day FAQs

Next World No Tobacco Day Dates

Year Date Day
2023 May 31st Wednesday
2024 May 31st Friday
2025 May 31st Saturday
2026 May 31st Sunday
2027 May 31st Monday
What is the pattern? Every May 31st

World No Tobacco Day Word Search

  • Tobacco
  • Smoking
  • Health
  • Nicotine
  • Addiction
  • Awareness