May 30th

World Multiple Sclerosis Day -

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Celebrated each year on the 30th of May, World Multiple Sclerosis Day is a globally recognized event aimed at promoting awareness about Multiple Sclerosis (MS), a neurological disease that affects millions across the globe. This day encourages collective efforts from individuals, groups, and global organizations to combat MS through advocating for improved patient care, investment in research, and the development of innovative treatment methods.

In addition to increasing awareness, World Multiple Sclerosis Day also focuses on empowering the MS community to overcome societal challenges and combat the stigma associated with the disease.

History of World Multiple Sclerosis Day

World Multiple Sclerosis Day was initiated by the Multiple Sclerosis International Federation (MSIF) and its associated members on 25th May 2009. The core objective of designating this day was to increase knowledge and understanding about Multiple Sclerosis. This neurological disorder impacts millions of people across the globe and the day seeks to unite individuals and societies in support of those living with the condition.

Each year, World Multiple Sclerosis Day follows a unique theme to underline certain less-examined or misunderstood aspects of the illness. Themes like ‘Work and MS’ in 2010, and ‘Celebrating the Achievements of People with MS’ in 2011, have been pivotal in shaping discussions and encouraging advocacy efforts to promote change.

World Multiple Sclerosis Day is marked by extensive global campaigns involving multiple stakeholders - from communities and individuals, to large organizations. The day has helped stimulate dialogue on patient education, enhance awareness about the illness, encourage personal care, and motivated research for advanced treatment options. The campaign has also taken giant strides in lobbying for inclusive policy formation.

To further the reach of the campaign, every year, MSIF provides multiple resources and tools that help catalyze events and activities across the globe. From providing an online platform for sharing stories, events, and resources, to distributing campaign materials, like posters and infographics, MSIF is at the forefront of these efforts.

World Multiple Sclerosis Day Timeline

First Discovery of MS

Jean-Martin Charcot, a French neurologist, was the first to recognize and describe Multiple Sclerosis as a distinct, separate disease.

Initial Illustration

Jean-Martin Charcot illustrated and chronicle the features of Multiple Sclerosis in a patient

Formation of The Multiple Sclerosis Society of Great Britain

The society was formed to support research and provide help for those affected by MS.

First MRI Scan

The first magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) scan was performed. The MRI scanner has since become a key diagnostic tool for MS.

First World Multiple Sclerosis Day

The Multiple Sclerosis International Federation (MSIF) initiated World Multiple Sclerosis Day to bring together those who are affected by the disease.

Vaccine Development

Research into potential vaccines against multiple sclerosis started. They are still at the study and development stage.

Ideas to Celebrate World Multiple Sclerosis Day

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Organize a Local Walk/Run Event

Coordinate a fun marathon or walk event to boost awareness about MS. Encourage participants to seek sponsors for donations, with the funds gathered going towards a local organization that supports individuals with MS.

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Wear Orange

Orange is the official color associated with MS awareness. On World MS Day, wear orange and encourage your friends, family, and coworkers to do the same to spark conversations about the disease.

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Educational Seminar

Invite a healthcare professional or an individual living with MS to give a talk or presentation. The goal is to provide information about the disease, its impact, and the latest research towards finding a cure.

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Social Media Awareness Campaign

Launch a social media campaign to spread awareness, using hashtags like #WorldMSDay or #MSawareness. Share facts about the disease and personal stories from individuals living with MS.

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Movie Screening

Host a small movie night with films that accurately portray the life of someone with MS. One such movie is 'Multiple Sclerosis: The Inside Story'.

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Host an MS Webinar

Invite experts to discuss the latest MS research, treatment options, patient experiences and other relevant topics over an online platform which can be accessed globally.

7 Interesting Facts About Multiple Sclerosis


Vitamin D connection

Multiple studies point towards a strong link between lack of Vitamin D and Multiple Sclerosis. Regions with less sunshine usually have higher MS rates.


Environmental Factors Play a Role

Environmental factors like sun exposure and vitamin D may play an essential role in the risk of developing MS. Studies have shown that people who live closer to the equator, where there are higher levels of sunlight, have a lower risk of MS.


Interesting Gender Gap

Women are two to three times more likely to be diagnosed with MS than men. This gender disparity in disease incidence raises questions about the role of hormones in MS.


No Direct Genetic Transmission

Although MS is not directly inherited, genetic factors appear to play a role. In identical twins, if one twin has MS, the other twin has a 25% chance of developing the disease.


MS and Smoking

Smoking could amplify the risk of developing MS and could make the disease progress faster for people who are already diagnosed.


Impacts More Than Mobility

While most people associate MS with mobility issues, the disease can also cause problems with cognition, fatigue, dizziness, pain, depression, and problems with bowel and bladder function.


Famous People with MS

Several notable people live with MS, including actress Selma Blair, singer Alan Osmond, talk show host Montel Williams, and former beauty queen and actress Missy Peregrym.

World Multiple Sclerosis Day FAQs

Next World Multiple Sclerosis Day Dates

Year Date Day
2023 May 30th Tuesday
2024 May 30th Thursday
2025 May 30th Friday
2026 May 30th Saturday
2027 May 30th Sunday
What is the pattern? Every May 30th

World Multiple Sclerosis Day Word Search

  • Neurology
  • Disability
  • Awareness
  • Advocacy
  • Treatment
  • Support