May 5th

World Hand Hygiene Day -

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Each year on May 5th, we observe World Hand Hygiene Day, a significant global event initiated by the World Health Organization (WHO) geared towards promoting the importance of maintaining hand cleanliness in health facilities. The primary aim of this event is to highlight the crucial role hand hygiene plays in infection prevention, potentially saving lives.

This day serves as a reminder to healthcare workers, patients, policymakers and the general public about the imperative need to improve and sustain hand hygiene practices, subsequently reducing the spread of harmful pathogens. Ultimately, World Hand Hygiene Day emphasizes the power of such a simple action in ensuring patient safety.

History of World Hand Hygiene Day

Initiated by the World Health Organization (WHO) in 2009, World Hand Hygiene Day aims to elevate awareness about the significance of hand cleanliness for health workers and the public. This global endeavor is orchestrated every year on May 5 with activities underlining the vitality of hand hygiene.

Although the primary goal is to enhance hand hygiene in healthcare environments to cut down on healthcare-related infections, in 2020, the campaign received further recognition due to the COVID-19 outbreak. Its significance was amplified as it became even more evident that hand hygiene is vital in preventing infectious diseases of all types, not just those related to healthcare.

Every year, WHO develops topics to stimulate the campaign. For instance, in 2009, the campaign focused on limiting healthcare-related sepsis, and in 2019, it underscored the functions of nurses and midwives in advancing hand hygiene customs.

In 2021, the organization reflected on the monumental role of hand hygiene during the pandemic and themed it “Seconds save lives – clean your hands!” This was a strong reminder of how simple and effective regular handwashing is in preventing the spread of diseases.

World Hand Hygiene Day propels a multi-faceted strategy to enhance hand hygiene. It includes robust health education, consistent monitoring and feedback, cultivating a culture of safety in workplaces, timely reminders within work spaces, and constant advancement of campaigns on a national or institutional level to ensure handwashing becomes a habit for everyone.

World Hand Hygiene Day Timeline

Greek Physician Galen Recommends Handwashing

Galen, a Greek physician, surgeon and philosopher, highlighted hand hygiene as a means of infection control.

Ignaz Semmelweis - The Savior of Mothers

Ignaz Semmelweis made a connection between hand hygiene and the health of patients, drastically reducing the mortality rate in his hospital clinic.

Invention of Liquid Soap

William Sheppard patented the first liquid soap reducing the potential contamination associated with solid soaps.

Introduction of Antibacterial Soap

Antibacterial soap was introduced, promising to kill germs and bacteria.

World Health Organization (WHO) Guidelines

WHO introduced global hand hygiene guidelines in healthcare settings.

First World Hand Hygiene Day

WHO marked the first World Hand Hygiene Day to motivate and mobilize people around the world to increase adherence to hand hygiene in health care settings.

Seconds Save Lives: Clean Your Hands

World Hand Hygiene Day conducted with the theme of 'Seconds Saves Lives: Clean Your Hands' to remind health care workers to clean their hands at points of care.

Ideas to Celebrate World Hand Hygiene Day

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Poster Making Competition

Organize a poster making competition, encouraging both kids and adults to make creative posters that display the importance of hand hygiene. Display these posters in public spaces to spread awareness.

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Handwashing Marathon

Arrange a fun event where participants wash their hands for a set timeframe. The goal is not just the event, but to remind the participants about the proper duration of washing hands.

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Distribute Hand Sanitizers

On this day, you could distribute free hand sanitizers in public places like schools, offices or parks along with a flyer about the importance of hand hygiene.

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Spread Awareness through Social Media

Plan a social media campaign where you can post guides, facts, and statistics about the importance of hand hygiene. Use hashtags related to the event to create more visibility.

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Distribute Hygiene Kits

Organize a campaign to distribute hand hygiene kits, which can include soap, hand sanitizer, and a towel. This can be provided to local schools, homeless shelters, or low-income communities.

8 Interesting Facts About Hand Hygiene


Hand Hygiene History

Hand hygiene as a concept in healthcare was first introduced by Hungarian physician Ignaz Semmelweis in the 1800s. He noticed that instances of puerperal fever could be significantly reduced when doctors washed their hands.


Fight against Microbes

Proper hand hygiene can reduce the presence of bacteria by up to 99.9%. This can significantly lower the risk of common infections like colds, flus, and foodborne illnesses.


The 'visible dirt' myth

Contrary to popular belief, visible dirt on your hands is not an accurate indicator of bacteria presence. Even clean-looking hands can carry up to 5,000 germs.


Importance of Scrubbing Duration

Scrubbing your hands for at least 20 seconds is more effective at killing germs. This duration is equivalent to humming the 'Happy Birthday' song twice.


The Hidden Germs

Germs tend to hide under fingernails. That's why it's important not to forget cleaning your nails while washing hands.


Hand Sanitizer vs Hand Washing

Hand washing with soap and water is generally more effective than hand sanitizer, but in absence of soap and water, a hand sanitizer with at least 60% alcohol is a good option.


Germ Hotspots

One of the common places to pick up germs is on public transportation due to the vast number of people who touch the same surfaces daily.


Dry Hands vs Damp Hands

Damp hands spread 1000 times more germs than dry hands. Hence, after washing your hand, drying them properly is as important as washing.

World Hand Hygiene Day FAQs

Next World Hand Hygiene Day Dates

Year Date Day
2023 May 5th Friday
2024 May 5th Sunday
2025 May 5th Monday
2026 May 5th Tuesday
2027 May 5th Wednesday
What is the pattern? Every May 5th

World Hand Hygiene Day Word Search

  • Sanitization
  • Soap
  • Water
  • Hygiene
  • Clean
  • Prevention