World Bee Day is an international event celebrated on May 20th to raise awareness about the vital role of bees and other pollinators in our ecosystems. It provides an opportunity to acknowledge their crucial role in food production, maintaining biodiversity and their pivotal role in combating climate change.

The day also aims to shed light on the numerous challenges these remarkable creatures are confronting, which includes loss of habitat, pollution, diseases, and the increasing impacts of climate change, thereby encouraging actions that would ensure their protection and conservation.

History of World Bee Day

The concept of World Bee Day was first put forward in 2014 by the Slovenian Beekeeper's Association and subsequently received approval from the United Nations General Assembly in 2017.

The day was selected in tribute to Anton Janša, a Slovenian native born on May 20th, 1734, who was renowned for his revolutionary approaches to beekeeping. Janša made great strides in modernizing beekeeping techniques within his country and shared his knowledge with the rest of Europe.

The fundamental goal of World Bee Day is to cast a spotlight on the need to conserve bees, due to their inherent value to our ecosystems and economies. The day also seeks to increase public awareness regarding the challenges that bees face, including loss of habitat, climate change, exposure to pesticides, disease, and other factors influenced by human activities.

The inaugural World Bee Day celebration took place on May 20th, 2018. From then on, a myriad of festivities, scholarly events and initiatives have taken place across the globe to spread knowledge about the importance of bees. These events also stress the need for practical measures to safeguard and nurture them and their habitats.

World Bee Day Timeline

Early Bee Domestication

Cave paintings in Spain suggest early human interaction with Bees, possibly beginning the practice of apiculture (beekeeping).

Ancient Beekeeping

The Madrid Codex from Ancient Egypt shows evidence of systematic beekeeping.

Development of Beekeeping in Greece

Poet and beekeeper Aristaeus is credited with the development of beekeeping in Ancient Greece.

Beginnings of Commercial Beekeeping

Progress in transport and infrastructure in the US led to the start of migratory beekeeping.

Colony Collapse Disorder

Bees start to inexplicably disappear from hives in large numbers, leading to widespread concern about the state of bee health and the impact on the environment and agriculture.

Neonicotinoid Ban

The European Union bans the use of neonicotinoid pesticides, which are harmful to bees, marking significant action to protect bee populations.

Recognition of Bees' Importance

The UN General Assembly declared May 20 as World Bee Day, recognizing the vital role bees play in food production and biodiversity.

Ideas to Celebrate World Bee Day

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Buzzing Bee Party

Why not throw a honey-themed party to celebrate World Bee Day? Invite your friends and loved ones to prepare a dish using honey as a key ingredient. Don't forget to add some bee-inspired decor to make the event buzzingly awesome!

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Honey Tasting Event

Experience the exquisite tastes of various honey varieties with a honey tasting get-together. As you share different types of honey, take time to share interesting facts about bees and the vital role they play in food production.

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Plant a Bee Garden

What better way to cherish World Bee Day than by creating a garden full of bee-friendly flowers? This act of kindness helps replenish their habitat, serves as a tribute to bees, and is a great activity to do with friends and family alike.

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Bee Movie Night

Consider organizing a bee-centric movie night, featuring films or documentaries that highlight the world of bees. This lets you engage in an educational discussion about the role of bees in the environment.

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Bee-Kind Charity Event

Set up an event where you can raise funds for bee preservation organizations. Selling bee-themed crafts, or foods and beverages inspired by bees could be a great means to generate donations.

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Buzzing Book Club

Kickstart a book reading group and have your discussions around books that revolve around bees. From fiction to non-fiction, any genre can create an engaging and informative session.

8 Interesting Facts About Bees


Superlative Work Ethic

A solitary honey bee can gather nectar from nearly 2,000 blossoms every day. Over its complete lifespan, a worker bee accumulates close to 1/12th of a teaspoon of honey.


Protective Measures

After using their stinger, honey bees perish, since the stinger gets torn out of their body. However, not all species of bees face this consequence. For instance, Bumble bees and carpenter bees retain the ability to sting repeatedly without losing their lives.


Master of Navigation

Bees employ the sun as a compass to navigate their environment. Along with the sun, they also rely on their memory and prominent landmarks to recollect their routes. They possess a unique form of vision that lets them detect the sun even when it is cloudy.


Importance of the Queen Bee

The queen bee in a colony is the only one capable of laying eggs. She can lay a staggering number of up to 2000 eggs a day and has a lifespan of around five years.


Speedy Flyers

Bees can reach flight speeds of up to 20 miles per hour and flap their wings about 200 times in a single second.


Gifted Builders

Bees display splendid architectural skills! With a knack for space optimization and economy, they strategically build their hives with hexagonal cells, which require less wax to construct.


Nature's Key Pollinators

Bees bear a vital role in the pollination process, contributing to the growth of a substantial portion of our fruits, vegetables, and nuts. Roughly one third of the food we consume benefits directly from the bees' pollination efforts.


Multiflavored Honey

The specific type of flower from which the nectar is sourced determines the color and flavor of honey. Interestingly, the United States alone is home to more than 300 distinctive varieties of honey.

World Bee Day FAQs

Next World Bee Day Dates

Year Date Day
2023 May 20th Saturday
2024 May 20th Monday
2025 May 20th Tuesday
2026 May 20th Wednesday
2027 May 20th Thursday
What is the pattern? Every May 20th

World Bee Day Word Search

  • Honey
  • Bees
  • Hive
  • Pollination
  • Apiculture
  • Conservation