July 5th

National Workaholics Day -

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Every year, we celebrate National Workaholics Day on July 5th. This day is specially dedicated to all those dedicated souls who devote countless hours to their work, often forgetting to pause for a break or even take a holiday. The main purpose of this day is to remind these committed individuals about the critical necessity of striking a balance between work, leisure, and social interaction.

The day serves as a nudge to workaholics to temporarily step back from their hectic schedules, re-energize themselves, and understand the positive impacts of a well-rounded lifestyle on their overall well-being and productivity levels.

History of National Workaholics Day

Over the years, the idea of a workaholic, or a person who intensively devotes themselves to their work, has evolved significantly due to several social, economic, and psychological changes.

In the earliest era of human civilization, people frequently spent extended hours hunting and gathering essential resources for survival. The shift to agricultural work practices changed how people worked, providing a balance between labor and leisure determined by the changing cycles of the seasons.

However, the Industrial Revolution of the 18th and 19th centuries greatly amplified work hours due to the rise of factory jobs and economic necessities. During this period, a person’s value was highly associated with their employment, resulting in the inception of the “work ethic” as a significant moral value.

The 20th century witnessed the emergence of improved work conditions and the implementation of legal caps on work hours, after various social transformations and labor movements took place. Nevertheless, remaining devoted to one’s job for extended durations was seen as a marker of dedication, necessary for job advancement in various fields.

Over the recent decades, developments such as the spread of global businesses, advent of technology, and an escalating competitive atmosphere have led to relentless work cultures in numerous sectors. This has resulted in a blend of work and personal life, making workaholism a more widespread phenomenon.

National Workaholics Day Timeline

Industrial Revolution

During the Industrial Revolution in the 1800s, workaholism began to take root. Workers were expected to work long hours in factories.

Roaring Twenties

The Roaring Twenties saw a surge in workaholism as society reveiced from World War I, leading to economic prosperity. .

Post-World War II

After World War II, the United States saw a boom in industry and technology which encouraged individuals to work harder and longer hours.

Introduction of the Term 'Workaholic'

Wayne Oates, a psychologist and minister, coined the term 'workaholic' in 1971.

Rise of the 'Workaholic Age'

With the increase in digital technologies, work hours extend beyond the traditional 9-5 causing more cases of workaholism.

Workaholic representation in media

The TV show 'Workaholics' premieres on Comedy Central, representing workaholic lifestyle in a comical way.

Celebration of the Workaholics Day

National Workaholics Day is observed in the United States to raise awareness about the health issues related to work addiction.

Ideas to Celebrate National Workaholics Day

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Office Fun Time

Organize an office team game activity, contest or trivia to help spark a little bit of fun and relaxation in the workplace. This helps to acknowledge the hard work, while also emphasizing the importance of relaxation and play.

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Appreciation Lunch

Order lunch for the whole team as a workaholic appreciation gesture. This is an excellent way to share a meal together and also celebrate achievements and even inspire a healthy work-life balance.

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Health and Wellness Workshop

Arrange for a work-life balance seminar in the office space. Involve a speaker who can share tips and ideas on how to maintain a healthy work-life balance.

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Professional Massage Break

Hire masseuses to come and provide 15 minutes of relaxing massage to your staff. This can be an excellent way to appreciate their hard work and promote relaxation.

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Flexible Work Schedule Trial

Implement a trial for flexible working hours or remote work. If workaholics find they're more productive or better able to balance their other responsibilities, this could be a positive change for the organization.

8 Interesting Facts About Workaholics


High-Stress Levels

Workaholics often have high levels of stress and anxiety due to the amount of time they spend working. This may result in mental and physical health issues if not addressed properly.


Not Necessarily Productive

Despite spending more hours working, workaholics are not necessarily more productive. They often struggle to delegate tasks and may waste time on unnecessary details.


Burnout Prevalence

Workaholics are more prone to suffering from burnout due to the intense pressure and high expectations they place on themselves.


The Japanese Phenomenon of Karoshi

In Japanese, Karoshi means 'death by overwork.' It refers to fatalities or associated health issues resulting from work stress, stroke, and heart attack among workaholics.


Impact on Relationships

Workaholics often struggle to maintain healthy personal relationships due to their time commitments at work. Their career often takes precedence over family and friends, leading to discord and dissatisfaction.



Workaholics usually possess a high degree of perfectionism. For them, the quality of work is more important than anything else, and they are never content with their work performance, pushing themselves constantly to achieve more.


Workaholism Vs Work Engagement

Workaholism should not be confused with work engagement. While workaholics work because they feel an internal compulsion to do so, engaged employees work due to a genuine interest and passion for their job.


Workaholism as an Addiction

Workaholism shares a lot of the same characteristics with other addictions, such as neglecting personal relationships and hobbies, experiencing withdrawal symptoms, and persisting despite knowing the harm being caused.

National Workaholics Day FAQs

Next National Workaholics Day Dates

Year Date Day
2023 July 5th Wednesday
2024 July 5th Friday
2025 July 5th Saturday
2026 July 5th Sunday
2027 July 5th Monday
What is the pattern? Every July 5th

National Workaholics Day Word Search

  • Workaholics
  • Dedication
  • Productivity
  • Burnout
  • Endurance
  • Success