May 27th

National Sunscreen Day -

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Every year on May 27th, people across the globe recognize National Sunscreen Day, also known as “Don’t Fry Day”. This day serves as an important reminder about the potential harm that can come from excessive sun exposure, and the importance of protecting ourselves with regular sunscreen application.

The goal is not just about ensuring we prioritize skincare, but also to reduce the chances of developing skin cancer. Let’s come together and make sunscreen a must-have in our day-to-day routines!

History of National Sunscreen Day

Tracing back to the origins of sunscreen itself, various forms of sun protection were used by ancient civilizations, such as the Egyptians who used substances like rice bran extracts and jasmine. However, the inauguration of the first commercially available sunscreen product can be attributed to the chemist H.A. Milton Blake, who introduced it to the market circa 1932.

The concept of National Sunscreen Day as we are familiar with today was first implemented in the late 2000s, with the inaugural National Sunscreen Day taking place on May 27, 2008. The organizers purposely timed the event with the arrival of summer, when people generally spend more time outdoors under the sun.

In the years that followed, National Sunscreen Day gained significant traction due to an alarming increase in the instances of skin cancer across the globe, a problem frequently linked to excessive exposure to the sun. This day serves as a reminder to the public about the necessity of consistent sun protection.

Today, the observance of National Sunscreen Day typically involves a range of awareness campaigns and educational programs, with many health and skincare corporations seizing the opportunity to disseminate free samples of sunscreen and endorse its daily use in an effort to curb the risk of skin cancer. It continues to be a vital annual reminder that encourages individuals to adopt safe sun practices, while also enjoying their time outdoors.

National Sunscreen Day Timeline

Invention of First Sunscreen

The first sunscreen was invented by H.A. Milton Blake, an Australian chemist.

Introduction of SPF Rating System

Franz Greiter introduced the Sun Protection Factor (SPF) rating system which measures the fraction of sunburn-producing UV rays that reach the skin.

FDA Regulates Sunscreen

The U.S. Food and Drug Administration started regulating sunscreens, with specific regulations for safety and effectiveness.

Broad Spectrum Protection

Sunscreen manufacturers began offering 'broad-spectrum protection,' which blocks both UVA and UVB rays.

FDA Announces New Requirements

The FDA announced new requirements for sunscreens, including the requirement for sunscreen products to protect against both UVA and UVB rays.

National Sunscreen Day

National Sunscreen Day is observed to educate people about the importance of using sunscreen to protect against harmful UV radiation.

Ideas to Celebrate National Sunscreen Day

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Sunscreen Awareness Workshop

Organize a digital workshop or webinar inviting a dermatologist or skincare expert to talk about the importance of sunscreen. You can discuss harmful effects of UV rays and how sunscreen protects the skin.

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Sunscreen Giveaway

Run a giveaway contest on social media. You can ask your followers to share photos of their favourite sun-protected moments or even share facts about sunscreen to participate in the contest. Winners can be given quality sunscreens.

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Outdoor Picnic

Host an outdoor picnic or beach gathering. Encourage guests to bring along their favorite sunscreens and use them throughout the day, offering an opportunity to discuss their favorites brands and SPF levels.

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Sunscreen Review Blog or Vlog

Start a blog or vlog reviewing different sunscreens. This will not only provide valuable information to the audience but also promote the use of sunscreen.

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Creating Sun-Safe Spaces

If you own a business, you can commemorate the day by creating sun-safe spaces in outdoor areas. This could include adding canopies, umbrellas or other shaded areas and providing complimentary sunscreen.

6 Interesting Facts About Sunscreen


Origins of Sunscreen

The first sunscreen was actually used by ancient Egyptians more than 2000 years ago. They utilized ingredients like rice bran, jasmine, and lupine plants to protect their skin from the sun's damaging rays.


Inventor of Modern Sunscreen

The first effective, commercial sunscreen was invented in 1932 by an Australian chemist named Milton Blake. He was motivated by personal suffering from sunburns as a kid and designed the lotion to absorb UVB radiation.


Sunscreen and Coral Reefs

Scientists have discovered that some chemicals in sunscreens can harm coral reefs when they wash off swimmers in the ocean. As a result, Hawaii became the first US state to ban the sale of sunscreens containing oxybenzone and octinoxate in 2018.


Sunscreen SPF

SPF stands for 'Sun Protection Factor.' Contrary to popular belief, an SPF 30 sunscreen doesn't provide twice the protection as an SPF 15. It actually only blocks out about 4% more UVB rays.


Broad Spectrum Sunscreens

Broad spectrum sunscreens protect against both UVA and UVB rays. While UVB rays can cause sunburns and play a key role in developing skin cancer, UVA rays can prematurely age your skin.


Melanoma and Sunscreen

Regular use of SPF 30 sunscreen can reduce your risk of developing melanoma - the deadliest form of skin cancer - by 80%.

National Sunscreen Day FAQs

Next National Sunscreen Day Dates

Year Date Day
2023 May 27th Saturday
2024 May 27th Monday
2025 May 27th Tuesday
2026 May 27th Wednesday
2027 May 27th Thursday
What is the pattern? Every May 27th

National Sunscreen Day Word Search

  • Sunscreen
  • Protection
  • Ultraviolet
  • Sunburn
  • Lotion
  • Safety