Celebrated every year on the 6th of May, National Beverage Day is a tribute to the vast array of drinks enjoyed by people worldwide. This dedicated day urges us to take a moment and appreciate everything, be it the hot cup of coffee that awakens us in the morning, the fresh glass of water that keeps us going, the soothing tea that relaxes us in the afternoon, or the calm glass of wine that winds us down in the evening.

From non-alcoholic drinks to revitalizing cocktails, National Beverage Day is about celebrating both the diversity and unity in our choices of beverages. So, let’s raise a glass to honor this day and our most loved drinks.

History of National Beverage Day

The date of May 6th each year has been marked as a day to celebrate all forms of drinks across the globe, widely recognized as National Beverage Day. From cold refreshments such as soft drinks, iced tea, and fruit juices to warm delights like coffee and tea, the day allows people to have an opportunity to revel in the tastes of a range of drinks. This often comes with exciting promos from beverage manufacturers and retailers.

Beverages have always been at the core of our civilization’s development, from basics like water, to beer, wine, coffee, tea, fizzy drinks, and distilled spirits.

The 20th-century saw an advancement in the production and packaging of beverages, leading to an increased fondness and variety of pre-packaged and home-made drinks. Globally, several days have been designated to highlight the significance of beverages, and National Beverage Day seems to have grown as an aspect of this universal phenomenon.

The forcible proposal is that the day has originated in response to the expanding influence of the beverage industry and the growing popularity of distinctive drinks. However, the day is rather an informal, yet enjoyable event for those who relish their daily sip or those adventurous enough to try out new beverages.

National Beverage Day Timeline

Beer Brewing in Mesopotamia

The Sumerians, an ancient civilization, were brewing a form of beer made from barley.

Tea in China

Cultivation and consumption of tea started in China. It was initially used for medicinal purposes.

Introduction of Coffee

Coffee was first discovered in Ethiopia and then spread to the Arabian Peninsula.

Christopher Columbus brings Sugarcane to the New World

Christopher Columbus brings sugarcane cuttings to the New World, leading to the development of rum.

First Recorded Hot Chocolate

Hot Chocolate was first recorded by the Europeans who came in contact with the Aztecs.

First Champagne

The first production of Champagne was led by a monk named Dom Pierre Pérignon.

Establishment of Coca-Cola

The Coca-Cola Company was established, introducing one of the world's most popular soft drinks.

Rise of Craft Breweries

The early 2000s saw a global boom in craft breweries and the popularization of craft beers.

Ideas to Celebrate National Beverage Day

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Beverage Battle

Host a friendly competition with your friends or family, where each participant has to create their own unique beverage. The winner can be decided by votes after everyone has tasted each other's creations.

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Themed Movie Night

Choose a movie, like 'The Big Lebowski' or 'James Bond', make the movie's iconic drinks such as White Russian or Martini, and enjoy the movie night with these special drinks.

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Vintage Mocktail Hour

Host a vintage-themed 'mocktail' hour, with all participants dressing up in vintage outfits while sipping non-alcoholic beverages inspired from the roaring 20's.

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Beverage and Book Pairing

Create a pairing list of different types of beverage with different genres of books. For example; Tea with a cozy mystery or whiskey with a hard-boiled detective story.

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Coffee Crawl

Instead of a traditional bar crawl, try a coffee crawl. Visit multiple coffee shops in your city, trying a different type of coffee at each place.

7 Interesting Facts About Beverage


Coffee is a Red Berry Before It's a Bean

Coffee beans are actually the seeds of what is essentially a red berry. They are green when fresh, and turn black or dark brown after roasting.


Champagne Used to be Considered Dangerous

In the 19th century, Champagne was known as 'le vin du diable' or 'the devil's wine' due to the bottles often exploding or the corks popping out unexpectedly due to the pressure inside.


Tea was Originally Considered Medicinal

For almost 3,000 years, tea was used as a medicinal herb before it became a beverage. It was only during the Tang Dynasty that tea started being consumed for pleasure.


The Invention of Coca-Cola

Coca-Cola was invented by a pharmacist named John Stith Pemberton in 1886. Originally, it was marketed as a tonic for common ailments, including morphine addiction, indigestion, nerve disorders, headaches, and impotence.


Beer Gave Us Civilization

Some anthropologists argue that human civilization began because of beer. The desire to grow crops for beer is speculated to have compelled our nomadic hunter-gatherer ancestors to settle and develop agriculture.


The Oldest Known Recipe is for Beer

The oldest known recipe for a manufactured food/drink dates back to 1800 BC and is for beer. This Sumerian beer recipe written on a clay tablet describes beer made from barley via bread.


Wine Tasting in Space is a No-No

The sense of smell is heavily impaired in space, altering the taste of many foods and beverages. The lack of gravity also prevents wine aromas from rising to the nose. As a result, NASA forbids astronauts from consuming wine on the International Space Station.

National Beverage Day FAQs

Next National Beverage Day Dates

Year Date Day
2023 May 6th Saturday
2024 May 6th Monday
2025 May 6th Tuesday
2026 May 6th Wednesday
2027 May 6th Thursday
What is the pattern? Every May 6th

National Beverage Day Word Search

  • Beverage
  • Lemonade
  • Coffee
  • Juice
  • Smoothie
  • Cocktail