May 24th

National Asparagus Day -

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Every year, we commemorate National Asparagus Day on the 24th of May. This day is devoted to the celebration and recognition of the wonderful value of this unique springtime vegetable. Food enthusiasts, culinary experts, and fans of healthy food take this opportunity to relish in the diversity of asparagus, create innovative dishes, and underscore the impressive health advantages it offers.

With its versatility allowing it to be grilled, steamed, roasted or even mixed into salads, National Asparagus Day is a motivating call for individuals to add this nutritious and tasty vegetable to their daily diets.

History of National Asparagus Day

The asparagus enjoyed significant popularity among the ancient Egyptians, who began cultivating it around 3000 B.C. It caught the fancy of the Greeks and Romans too, who dedicated it to their gods and incorporated it into their medicinal practices. The Romans even devised methods for year-round asparagus cultivation, including planting in desert conditions.

During the Middle Ages, asparagus seemed to lose favor, but thanks to France’s Sun King, Louis XIV’s affinity for it in the 18th century, it once more surged in popularity. The king had greenhouses built specifically to cultivate the vegetable.

As the 19th century rolled around, asparagus had made its way to American shores and quickly established itself within U.S. cuisine. This period also saw Stockton, California self-proclaiming as “The Asparagus Capital of the World.”

Today, the global appreciation for asparagus continues remaining steadfast. Its low-calorie count coupled with its high fiber, folate, and vitamin A, C and K content are universally recognized health benefits. National Asparagus Day serves to heighten visibility around and increase usage of this versatile and nutritious vegetable. Some locales even host asparagus-themed festivals featuring cooking demonstrations, asparagus eating competitions, and similar events.

National Asparagus Day Timeline

Cultivation of Asparagus in Egypt

Asparagus was cultivated by the Egyptians approximately 5,000 years ago, appearing in friezes in the pyramids of Saqqara.

Culinary Usage by Romans

Romans began seeing asparagus not just as a medicine but also as a delicious luxury food. They developed asparagus farms and greenhouses.

Growth in France

During this time, asparagus was cultivated in France for its alleged medicinal properties.

Asparagus in Britain

Asparagus was not grown in England until the 16th Century. It soon became a luxury item, due to its unique taste and short growing season.

Spread to North America

Asparagus was introduced to North America by European settlers. It became popular in the 19th century when methods for growing it year-round were developed.

Exporting of Asparagus

Peru becomes the world's leading exporter of asparagus, closely followed by China. The USA remains the highest-consuming country of asparagus.

National Asparagus Day

May 24 is observed as National Asparagus Day to recognize and celebrate this popular spring vegetable.

Ideas to Celebrate National Asparagus Day

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Asparagus Cooking Contest

Invite friends and family over for a friendly competition where everyone cooks their favorite asparagus dish. Not only is it a fun social event but it's also a great way to try new asparagus recipes.

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Asparagus Themed Dinner

Prepare a three-course meal for your family, where each course includes asparagus. You could start with asparagus soup, followed by a main course with asparagus as a side dish and conclude with an asparagus-infused dessert.

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Asparagus Farm Visit

Plan a visit to a local asparagus farm. It's a great outing and an opportunity to learn more about how this healthy vegetable is grown. You could even pick some fresh asparagus and cook it at home.

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Asparagus Health Awareness

Use this day to educate others about the health benefits of asparagus. Share infographics, blog posts or even create a Youtube video discussing how including asparagus in a diet can help improve health.

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Planting Asparagus

If you have a backyard or even a small kitchen garden, plant some asparagus on this day. It would be both an educational and fun activity, especially for kids.

9 Interesting Facts About Asparagus


Cultural Symbolism

In ancient times, asparagus was renowned as an aphrodisiac. It was also a popular offering to the gods in Ancient Egypt


Speedy Growers

Under ideal conditions, an asparagus spear can grow 7 inches in a 24-hour period


Perennial Plant

Asparagus is a perennial, which means the same asparagus plant will continue to produce year after year


Color Variations

Asparagus comes in three color varieties: Green, White and Purple. The most common is the green variety


White Asparagus

White asparagus is not a different species, but simply asparagus grown in the dark to prevent photosynthesis, which turns the stalks green


First Harvest Calendar

The prime season for harvesting asparagus is April to late June


Health Benefits

Asparagus is packed with vitamins and minerals including vitamins A and C, potassium, iron and calcium. It’s also high in fiber and protein


The Asparagus Effect

Ever noticed a strange smell in your urine after eating asparagus? That's because it contains a sulfur-containing compound called asparagusic acid, which, when broken down, emits a distinctive odor.


Roman Delight

The Romans loved asparagus. They even had a saying ‘As quick as cooking asparagus’ for something done quickly

National Asparagus Day FAQs

Next National Asparagus Day Dates

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2024 May 24th Friday
2025 May 24th Saturday
2026 May 24th Sunday
2027 May 24th Monday
What is the pattern? Every May 24th

National Asparagus Day Word Search

  • Asparagus
  • Vegetable
  • Green
  • Nutrition
  • Healthy
  • Fiber