May 13th

National Apple Pie Day -

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On May 13th every year, we honor a beloved culinary tradition by celebrating National Apple Pie Day. This event shines a spotlight on an immensely popular treat that has become synonymous with American culture and lifestyle - the timeless apple pie. Regardless of how you enjoy it – as a warm dessert topped with ice cream, laden with crumb toppings, or simply in its classic unadorned form, today’s all about savoring a slice of this delightful dessert without any guilt.

On Apple Pie Day, tie on your apron, dust off your baking tools, and prepare to delve into the irresistible world of apple pies.

History of National Apple Pie Day

Early English settlers introduced apple pie to America in the 17th century, carrying with them a recipe that had been part of European cooking since the 14th century. The first-ever known recipe for apple pie has its origins in England, dating back to 1381, and included an array of other ingredients such as saffron, figs, raisins, and pears along with apples.

However, despite its European origin, apple pie became significantly tied to American culture and identity. This link was solidified during the Second World War when soldiers, on being asked the reason behind their readiness to fight, would typically answer “for mom and apple pie.” This expression eventually morphed into the familiar saying “as American as apple pie.”

National Apple Pie Day is thought to have been championed by apple farmers and pastry chefs to boost the consumption of apples and apple pies. Nowadays, it’s a reason for many people to break out their baking skills and prepare traditional apple pies to share with loved ones. It’s a moment to relish a slice of this iconic American dessert and acknowledge its deep-seated history in the country’s culinary arts.

National Apple Pie Day Timeline

The First Known Recipe

The first known apple pie recipe was written in England. The pie was not like the dessert we know today, as it consisted of apples mixed with figs, raisins, and pears.

Evolution of the Apple Pie in Europe

In Europe during 15th century, the apple pie began evolving into more recognizablly modern forms.

Apple Pie in America

Apple pies were brought to the America by settlers in the 17th century. At that time, apples were not native to America, so settlers used crabapples instead.

Apple Pie Becomes a Patriotic Symbol

Apple pie became a symbol of prosperity and national pride in the U.S., referenced in songs and literature as a key element of American life.

American Pie Movie Release

The movie American Pie premieres, featuring a notorious scene involving an apple pie, further cementing its place in American pop culture.

National Apple Pie Day

National Apple Pie Day is celebrated annually on May 13th.

Ideas to Celebrate National Apple Pie Day

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Bake an Apple Pie

Get your baking gloves on and bake a delicious Apple Pie from scratch. You can follow a recipe or create your own and share it with friends and family.

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Apple Pie Tasting Party

Host an Apple Pie tasting party at your home. Ask guests to bring different kinds of apple pies from various bakeries or their homemade recipes and enjoy a night of sweet indulgence.

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Apple Pie Baking contest

Organize a baking contest in your community or among your friends. The challenge is to bake the best Apple Pie.

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Try an International Apple Pie recipe

Although Apple Pie is typically considered an American tradition, of course, other countries have their own unique takes on this dish. Celebrate by trying to make an international version of an apple pie such as Russian sharlotka or French tatin.

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Apple Pie with Ice cream

Enjoy a slice of warm apple pie with a scoop of your favorite ice cream. The combination is delicious, and it could be a fantastic dessert for your evening meal.

6 Interesting Facts About Apple Pie


An American Symbol

Although apple pie is considered a classic American dessert, neither apples nor pie originally come from America. Apples were brought to America by European settlers, who also introduced pie-making techniques.


American as Apple Pie?

The phrase 'as American as apple pie' describes things that are thought to be typically American. The phrase was first used during World War II; when soldiers were asked why they were joining the army, many of them reportedly answered, 'for mom and apple pie'.


State's Official Pie

The apple pie was designated as the official state pie of Vermont in 1999.


Guinness World Record

The world's largest apple pie ever baked weighed approximately 40,000 pounds. It was made in Washington state.


First-Ever Apple Pie Recipe

The first recorded recipe of apple pie was written in 1381 in England. The recipe included good apples, good spices, figs, raisins, and pears. The pastry shell was not meant to be eaten and was just used as a container for baking.


Mock Apple Pie

During the Great Depression, Nabisco released a recipe for 'Mock Apple Pie' using Ritz crackers, sugar and various spices. This recipe is still printed on the Ritz cracker boxes.

National Apple Pie Day FAQs

Next National Apple Pie Day Dates

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2023 May 13th Saturday
2024 May 13th Monday
2025 May 13th Tuesday
2026 May 13th Wednesday
2027 May 13th Thursday
What is the pattern? Every May 13th

National Apple Pie Day Word Search

  • Apple
  • Pie
  • Dessert
  • Cinnamon
  • Sugar
  • Baking