Every year on the first of July, we come together to celebrate a special day filled with laughter and joy — International Joke Day. This is the day where humor becomes the universal language that connects us all. We’re encouraged to share comedic tales and clever puns, and generally spread happiness and enjoyment around the world.

On this day, brace yourself for a giggle, and join in this worldwide celebration of humor and mirth!

History of International Joke Day

We celebrate International Joke Day every year on the first day of July. However, the background of this celebration is somewhat uncertain as there’s no clear record of when or where it began.

Jokes are a part of universal culture, shared and enjoyed by people all over the world. This is probably the reason a day was set aside to celebrate humor and jest.

Even though the exact roots of International Joke Day are hazy, it doesn’t mean the day lacks importance. Rather, it allows us to acknowledge the vital role that laughter plays in our lives and emphasizes its significance.

Although July 1st is acknowledged globally as International Joke Day, some countries, like the United States, celebrate a similar event – National Tell a Joke Day – on August 16th.

Regardless of the unclear beginning, International Joke Day is a well-known observance today. It not only encourages us to share our most treasured jokes but also highlights the transformative power of laughter. It’s an opportunity to understand how laughter can unite people, break down barriers, and reduce stress.

International Joke Day Timeline

Ancient Sumerian Humor

The oldest joke known is a fart joke from Sumeria.

Earliest Joke Book Compiled

The 'Philogelos', meaning the 'Laughter Lover', an ancient Greek joke book, was compiled. It contained 265 jokes.

First Stand-up Comedy

American entertainers performed minstrel shows that perpetuated racist stereotypes in the United States.

Jokes during World War II

Even during the tension of war, people found humor as an escape, leading to the spread of numerous dark humored jokes during WW II.

Stand-up Comedy Boom in the US

The 1990s saw a huge resurgence of interest in stand-up comedy, with comedy clubs springing up across the United States.

Rise of Internet Memes

As internet culture boomed, memes became a key vehicle for jokes and humor.

Humor in the Digital Age

With the rise of digital platforms like TikTok and Instagram, humor and jokes are being consumed faster, often in real-time.

Ideas to Celebrate International Joke Day

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Joke Marathon

Gather your friends and family for a fun-filled evening of storytelling and puns. Whoever comes up with the most jokes wins a prize. Remember, it doesn't matter whether they are good or bad, the aim is to laugh and have fun.

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Create a Joke Book

Encourage everyone to write their favorite joke and compile them together. Not only will it serve as a memento of this fun event, but it will be your go-to book for laughs in times of need.

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Joke Competition at the Workplace

Organize a friendly competition at work where colleagues share their favorite jokes. It is a great way for colleagues to bond and reduce stress while celebrating International Joke Day.

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Stand-up Comedy Night

Set up a makeshift stage and perform a stand-up comedy act for your friends and family. You might discover a hidden talent among your groups.

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Daily Jokes on Social Media

Post a joke on your social media platforms every day leading up to International Joke Day. Not only will this entertain your network, but it will also build anticipation for the day itself.

7 Interesting Facts About Jokes


The Oldest Recorded Joke

The oldest recorded joke dates back to 1900 BC Sumer which is now Southern Iraq. The joke was a written joke on a cuneiform tablet that said, 'Something which has never occurred since time immemorial; a young woman did not fart in her husband's lap.'


Laughter Is a Universal Language

Laughter is considered a universal language because it's an evolutionary trait that’s shared among all cultures and even across species, not only humans.


The First Joke Book

The oldest surviving joke book is the Philogelos or 'Love of Laughter' which was a Greek joke book dating back to the 4th or 5th Century AD. It contains about 260 jokes.


Juvenile Gelotology

Juvenile Gelotology is a serious study of laughter and how it affects the body. It can improve immune function, reduce heart disease, alleviate pain, and improve mood.


Programming Language Based on a Comedian's Routines

There's a programming language called 'ArnoldC', based on different one-liners of Arnold Schwarzenegger.


Laughter Yoga

Laughter Yoga is a practice involving voluntary laughter that has been claimed to have the same physiological benefits as spontaneous laughter.


Stand-up Comedy

Stand-up comedy has its roots in classic taverns and coffeehouses, where performers would provide amusement in exchange for food or drink.

International Joke Day FAQs

Next International Joke Day Dates

Year Date Day
2023 July 1st Saturday
2024 July 1st Monday
2025 July 1st Tuesday
2026 July 1st Wednesday
2027 July 1st Thursday
What is the pattern? Every July 1st

International Joke Day Word Search

  • Humor
  • Laughter
  • Comedy
  • Punchline
  • Hilarious
  • Jokes